Chapter 77

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Amara's POV

My nerves were through the roof as we entered the driveway to the site. This was probably the biggest warehouse that i'd been to while with Alec and Leon.

Memories suddenly came flooding back as i saw a car park near the front door of the warehouse. It was like a circle really, the warehouse at the top and the driveway led both ways to exit and enter it.

The guards slowly exited the cars, already aiming their guns at the house. They were surround the whole site. Back to front.

After my father left, Romeo, Roman and i were left alone with the guard in the drivers seat.

'Let's play a game'
Roman said as he sat next to me with Romeo staying opposite me.

'What game?'
I smiled, looking at Roman.

'Word association'
He said, leaning back and smiling as i rolled my eyes and looked at Romeo.

'You first'
Roman voiced, nudging me.




I spoke, catching the attention of the guard that was in the front seat. He was lovely, late 30s?


'You're playing'
I grinned as we carried on playing while the silence outside of the car felt deadly.

After minutes of playing the game, we was bored again. Romeo had eventually made his way over next to me and was resting his head on my shoulder and Roman doing the exact same.

It's crazy to think that we're a family. Literally. Our kids are relating, yes maybe not fully but in everyone's eyes, they're brothers and that's how they will be brought up. Some may disagree but really, who gives a fuck. Life is a flying rock at the end of the day.

Minutes felt like hours, there was no sight of Leon and Alec or anyone else apart from guards circling the house 24/7.

The clock hit 5:42am and i saw my eldest brother appear from the warehouse and cautiously make his way to the car, opening the door and getting in.

He looked at me and shook his head, looking down. My heart dropped even more. They weren't there.
Thoughts were running through my head as my family like before piled back into the car as we began driving once again.

I know my family, they would've looked everywhere. Everywhere i told them. Not leaving nothin...

One place came into my head.

This place, wasn't in the warehouse but i'm not sure if it even existed anymore. Leon and Alec had filled it with cement last time i could remember anything about it. It was hidden, nobody would know it's there or even where to look unless you knew about it. But they had filled it in? It's possible but also impossible? I'm not even entirely sure how you would get there, i've been blindfolded through every journey, even while i've been in there. Guilt immediately took over me. What if they're alive and they need me and here we are driving away.

'Stop the car'
It immediately came to a halt as everyone looked at me, confused.

'Go back'
I said simply as i closed my eyes and imagined the journey for what felt like the millionth time.

I felt a poke in my side and opened my eyes, realizing we was back in the same spot as we was before.

I leant forward, putting my head in my hands and zoned out.

'Go out of the gate and turn left'
I stated, feeling the stares of concern from everyone.

I carried on giving Aldo directions, keeping my eyes closed and thinking back to the journey i used to do, until i told him to stop.

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