Chapter 2

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Third Person POV

After hours of playing hide and seek Emberto, Sebastian, the boys and Amara ended up in the movie room around 5pm.

Amara and Sebastian had persuaded all of the boys to watch Moana, with her mostly using her puppy eyes, which nobody could say no too.

Not even a quarter way through the movie, Amara was fast asleep in her eldest cousin, Julio's, arms.
Her soft snores filled the room then Emberto got a message.

Emberto's Pov

Pulling my attention away from mio piccolo tesoro, i looked down at my phone.
——— (my little treasure)

'come to my office with Amara and the boys'

'ugh but why'

'don't fucking question me get your ass up here'

'but your daughter is sleeping'

'Put her on the sofa and then put a couple of pillows on the floor next to her in case she falls'

This fucking bitch.

Third Persons POV

Julio, gently placed Amara down where he was sitting and placed a blanket over her, also making sure to put her teddy, Cuddles, next to her which she immediately clung to.

After placing her down, everyone kissed her cheek or forehead, making her smile in her sleep, and walked upstairs towards Armando's office

Armando's office was the on the 3rd floor of the house, where there was no bedrooms or anything. Just his office. Armando's never allowed anyone on his floor except from his princess.

Amara would normally shove the door open and go to her fathers lap while he worked, she either watched him closely or she would just simply fall asleep.

Emberto, Sebastian and the boys walked into the office, greeting their other family members and a few others guards and the youngest boys going to their mother or to their fathers, and sitting down, talking in hushed voices.

The doors opened, interrupting the conversations, and Gabriela and Armando walked in hand in hand. Gabriela walked towards Camila and the other females while Armando walked to the head of the table next to his second in command, Marino, who was his bestfriend since 6th grade and his third in command, Paulo, who was his bestfriend since freshman year and his head guard, Jacob, who was also his bestfriend since freshman year.


(Perez Family)

(Marino Perez - Second in Command 34 years old

Maria Perez - Marino's Wife - friends with Gabriela and Camila. 34 years old

They have 4 sons who are like cousins to the family

Landon - 13 years old
Carter & Christian - 10 years old
Hunter - 6 years old)

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