Chapter 32

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Third Person POV

Flashback/Dream - Amara is 2 years old
15 years ago..

The youngest person in the Bianchi family screamed as she was tickled by her father.

'Let's go baby, foods ready'
Gabriela said as she walked into her bedroom and smiled at the sight of her husband and daughter.

'Coming love'
He replied, picking up his little girl who's hand went to his shirt and played with his button.

'Hi my little princess'
Domizio spoke  as he saw Amara being carried into the dining room, making her giggle.

She muttered quietly, making 'grabby hands' towards him.

Armando placed his daughter in his father's lap and sat on the chair on the left side of him, Elio on the right with a pissed off expression. He was missing his wife.
(Guys remember his wife, Catalina, she had died a year ago at this time because of the russian, i think there's a little more information about it in Chapter 4 maybe)

'Hi lio'
Amara said, with her head on her grandfathers's chest, causing Elio to snap out of his thoughts and turn his attention towards his niece.

'Hi love'
He explained, taking Amara away from Domizio, much to his liking.

'Ya okay?'
She asked, hugging him tightly and then pulling away to look at his face.

'I'm okay bub, are you?'
He questioned making her nod her head,letting her curls fall over her face.

The little girl murmured, as the family ate and Enrique tried to feed her.

'No baby, you can have them after you eat'
He replied, making her pout.

She said, looking at her uncle, making him turn his head so it was facing the ceiling.

'God your gonna get me in trouble child'
He muttered and looked towards his younger brother only to find him in a conversation with Xander.

Elio gestured for Alina to come over and he whispered in her ear to go and grab him something.

After a few minutes, she returned, holding something by her side so nobody could see.

Elio stuck his hand out behind the chair and Alina dropped the oreo into his hand, smirking, knowing that he was going to get in trouble later.

Elio whispered, passing the oreo to his niece making her smile and put it into her mouth. The uncle stared at the little girl, he couldn't love her any more even if he tried.

Armando started but stopped as soon as he caught a glimpse of what Amara was nibbling on.

'non ha fottutamente mangiato'
——(She hasn't fucking ate)
He shouted at his older brother who shrugged his shoulder. I'll make her food later, he thought.

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