Chapter 13

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Armando's POV

'Hai tutti i documenti di cui abbiamo bisogno?'
——(Have you got all the paperwork?)
I asked my father as he gathered everything up, ready for the meeting.

'Sì figlio, ho tutto'
——(Yeah son, i got everything)
He replied sitting down and running his hands over his face.

'Quando cazzo potrò rivederla?'
——(When the fuck do i get to see her again?)
He asked me tiredly. Seems like he hasn't got any sleep either, it's the same with all her uncles and older cousins.

'Penso che Gabby la riporterà indietro stasera. Spero fottutamente che lo faccia.'
——(I think Gabby is bringing her back tonight. I fucking hope she does)
I replied, also sitting down and leaning back.

'Non fare più quella merda'
——(Don't do that shit again)
He said to me, as if he didn't do what i did too.

This bitch.

'L'hai fatto anche tu e poi saresti andato a trovare Amara dopo'
——(You did it aswell and then was gonna go and see Amara after)
I argued back, which wasn't a good idea. He leant over the desk and slapped the back of my head. Fucking hard aswell. God at least my brothers weren't here. The only people that could argue or talk back to him was my mother and my daughter.

'Non usare quel tono con me. Non sei tua madre o tua figlia. Conosci il tuo fottuto posto. E figliolo, non ero così cattivo come te.'
——(Don't use that tone with me. You aren't you mother or daughter. Know your fucking place. And son, i wasn't as bad as you)
He explained to me, standing up.

'Let's go, we got a meeting to get to'
He said, literally dragging me out the door with papers in his other hand.

I fucking despise this shit.


After a few hours, it was now 6:15, i was usually home by now but no, i'm stuck in this boring ass fucking meeting.

My father, brothers and other people that were with me also looked pissed that we were still here, well all of them except Elio. He was sleeping.

'That's enough for today thank you Mr. Caddel, you can come back another time'
My father said in a bored tone but looking like he could kill the man in front of us.

After everyone had left, my brothers went to their office to get their things aswell as my father and i went towards mine, ready to go home.

As i walked into my office, i noticed my door was slightly open.

But i locked it, did i not?

Pulling out my gun and getting ready to use it, i slowly kicked open the door.

Imma fucking kill this bitch.

'Che cazzo stai facendo? Come cazzo sei entrato qui? Perché cazzo sei qui? E perché cazzo non hai vestiti addosso?'
——(What the fuck are you doing? How the fuck did you get in here? Why the fuck are you in here? And why the fuck do you not have any clothes on?)
I shouted, covering my eyes and turning away, disgusted, but still holding up my gun.

'You looked a bit stressed before your meeting, i thought i could help you out a little bit'
She said, trying to sound seductive but failing terribly, as she helped herself of off my desk, where she was sprawled out and slowly brushed her hand up and down my shoulder. Well she tried too. As soon as she put her hand out to touch me i grabbed it and twisted it back.

I don't give a fuck if it hurts.

1. She's not my fucking wife.
2. She's an 'assistant' doing a shit job.
3. I don't want her long fingered hands near me.
4. Why the fuck is she in my office.
5. Why the fuck is she naked.

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