Chapter 44

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Amara's POV

'Rise and shine little sister'
I heard someone shout.

I opened my eyes, realizing i was in the dining room, and glared at Salvatore, who smiled sheepishly at me while everyone around us also glared at him.

'Do you mind?'
I muttered, falling back onto my father chest.

'Love it's nearly 7 at night. You've been sleeping for ages and i'm bored'
He spoke, sitting back down on his chair next to
Calvino and Anthony.

I exclaimed as a plate a food was placed in front of me.

She replied with the same enthusiasm. Alina and Kelvin were 2 of my favorite people in this house. They were and still are the maid and chef in the house. I've had multiple conversations with both of them and in every one they have told me about my family and what had happened to them since that night. How much do i believe them? 99.1%. They also told me how i was when i was younger. They both showed me pictures and videos. I was right. I was a fucking cute kid.

'Did you carry me down here?'
I asked my father who nodded.

'I tried waking you up but you was in your own world'
He replied, chewing on a mouthful of pasta.

'Did you know that there is approximately 350 shapes of pasta?'
I said, staring at my plate.

'Why do you know this?'
Xander questioned, with a confused expression.

I looked up at him and held eye contact.

'Because i fucking count it'
I voiced, sarcastically as i heard people around me stifle a laugh.

'Why are you so sarcastic?'
Alexander asked in a pissed off tone.

'It's a talent'
I replied, turning my attention back to my pasta.
Suddenly i felt several specks of water hit my body.

I slowly looked up, staring into Xander's soul.

'Never did you just flick water at me'
I uttered, making him smirk.

'So what if i did?'
He spoke, leaning back on his seat.

I then picked up my glass of water and threw it in his direction, making most of it splash on his face and some on his shirt as everyone stared at me in shock and amusement.

'Don't fuck with me bitch'
I mumbled, standing up as he wiped his eyes and did the same.

'Little brat'
I heard him murmur while he grabbed his glass of water and threw it at me. Thank fuck i was wearing a black top.

I rubbed most of the water away from my face and stared at him again.

After a few seconds, i dived over the table and wrestle Xander to the floor. Landing on top of him, i reached towards the table and grabbed a handful of pasta that was on the closet plate to me, shoving it in his face. Next thing i knew, i was underneath Rico who had a grin on his face as food flew across the room. Moments later, Rico was on the floor with Angelo on top of him, throwing punches. I ran behind Manuel who was throwing any food he could find at Carter and jumped onto his back, pulling his hair making him scream and hit my back and my legs. Then, i felt Liam grab me from Carter and jump on top of me causing Adonis to grab Carter and body slam him onto the floor. Seeing that Luigi was on top of Angelo, i sprinted over, pushing him to the floor and climbing on top of him while he fought underneath me. Julian then ran towards me, throwing himself on top of me so i was squashed between him and Luigi making me reach behind him and grab his hair, trying to pull him off when i heard 2 loud gunshots.

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