Chapter 40

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Amara's POV

As the 3 of us walked into the room, interrupting everyone's conversations they were having, all eyes turned to us. Some showed shock, confusion or of course, lust. (She's in psychology btw)

I glanced around the room and recognized Tomas, Adam, Jordan, Silas, Gabriel and Axel.

'This is Amara, our sister'
Ivano explained to the male teacher who turned to us with a smile.

'It's lovely to meet you Amara, why don't you sit down next to Xavier at the back?'
The grey hair and brown eyed man voiced, pointing at 2 empty seats in the far back corner.

Xavier walked to his seat, Ivano doing the same as i strutted along behind them, holding eye contact with every person in that classroom.

I sat down in my seat as i turned to Silas, Gabriel and Axel who were all sitting in the row in front of us with Tomas, Adam, Jordan and Ivano. I guess they're all friends now.

Axel sent me a look as if to say 'Are you okay' which made me nod at him and grin.

After the teacher had set us tasks to do, i looked towards my left at the 4 boys that have been staring at me since i came into the classroom with their mouths hanging open slightly. There were 2 desks separating us so Xavier was sitting near the window then it was me then it was 2 more single desks where nobody was sitting then 2 boys were in the same row as Xavier and i and the other 2 boys were sitting directly in front of them.

'Your hot'
One of them shouted over towards me making me smirk.

'I know'
I replied, turning around.

(So the classrooms have single desks and in each row there are 6 desks and there are 5 rows so there's 30 people in one class)

I whispered to Xavier who stopped his rambling about his favorite pair of trainers and turned to me with a smile, luckily he didn't hear the boy.

'Who are them boys?'
I asked, not taking my eyes off of the 4 boys. After a couple of seconds, all of the boys' eyes widen and turned back to doing their work.

Confused, i turned around only to find Xavier glaring at them, daring them to look back at me.

'Who are they?'
I questioned, raising my eyebrows.

'No one you need to get involved with'
He replied, grabbing my desk and pulling it closer to his.

All of my cousins turned around to look at Xavier and then glared at the boys too, as if they knew what had happened.

After a few minutes, all of my brothers were now talking amongst each over as my eyes trialed over to the 4 boys who were, once again, staring at me.

I snapped at them, raising my eyebrows.

'Your Amara Bianchi? As in like Amara Amara. Do you know Romeo and Roman?'
His words made my heart stop.

There was no way that they were here. No fucking way.

I replied, turned around and listened to my brothers' conversation.

It was now 12:20pm and i had just met with all of my brothers to walk to the cafeteria. I had just had Chemistry with Angelo, Eliseo, Adonis, Gabriel, Kyran, Theo, Tiara and Brielle. Gabriel, Axel and Silas all seemed to fit into the group quite well so that was something that i didn't have to worry about. Fortunately, i hadn't seen them yet, however there has been several boys that have been staring at me throughout the day and it's pissing me off, the 4 boys from psychology included. I did talk to a few people, some boys, some girls, they're nice i guess.

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