Chapter 28

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(I forgot to say basically anything in italics is the voice in Amara's head talking)

Amara's POV

I sat down in the seats that were next to the desk, scrolling through instagram with my pink sunglasses still on my head.

What did they think i couldn't fucking see them?

All of them were fucking staring. Every. Single. One. Of. Them. But fuck did i recognize them. They all look exactly the same from what i remember.

'Has your mother ever told you that it's rude to stare?'
I asked with a cold voice as i turned to glare at them, putting my glitter glasses on the tip of my nose and titling my head downwards.

I probably look like a fucking school receptionist.

When their gazes averted from my body, i nodded and slowly pushed my glasses back to their normal place.

'Это то, о чем я думал'
—Russian—(Thats what i thought)
I muttered, hoping they heard me.

I looked up after a couple of minutes, looking around the room. All of them were staring again but i noticed another boy. Standing on the opposite side of the room, also staring at me with a smirk.

I looked down and realized i was still i my dress from the party.

Should i piss of my biologicals? Yes.

I stood up, leaving my heels on the floor and strutted over to the brunette boy.

'Damn girl'
He muttered as i approached him.

'What's your name babes'
I asked, stopping a little bit before him, leaning over the counter slightly so my tiddies were pretty much all he could see and slightly brushing against his arm, giving him 'fuck me eyes'. It's my talent.

He replied as he cleared his throat, trying not to look down.

'Mhmm, what's-'
Just as i was about to finish my sentence Frankenstein called me.

I rolled my eyes, obviously he couldn't see because i still have my glasses on, then i turned to look at him, raising my eye brows.

'Let's go'
He voiced.

I shouted, which was completely unnecessary, but i did it anyways.

Without anybody seeing, i slid the boy in front of me a small piece of paper, giving him a wink and walked back to where i was sitting.

I picked up my heels then made my way over to Marley, Frank and Olivia who were standing at the desk and my biologicals sitting down on the seats.
I glanced over at them and saw all, and i mean all of the men looking like they could kill somebody on the spot and the women smirking at me.

'What's up fuckers'
I asked, slapping the back of Marley's head as i walked past him and stood in between Olivia and Frank.

'You need to sign just here baby, then it's all done'
Olive explained, pointing to a dotted line on a piece of paper that had loads of fucking writing on.

'Ummmm, hang on'
I said, picking up the sheeting of paper and walking to where i was sitting before, already beginning to read it. Y'all i could be signing for somebody to kill me, gotta be careful.

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