Chapter 15

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Amara's POV

After my conversation with Coco, i made my way downstairs. As i passed by the kitchen, an idea popped into my head.

Running towards one of the chairs and pushing it towards the counter, i stood up on it, being careful not to fall, and opened the nearest cupboard next to my head.

Once my eyes fell on what i was looking for, they immediately lit up and i grabbed them, throwing them onto the counter below me and jumped down off of the chair and pushing it back to its normal spot.

Picking up the oreos from the counter, i ran towards the other set of stairs at the other side of the house and made my way up them.

When his bedroom door came into view, i pushed it open and walked inside, shutting the door behind me, only to find him still sleeping with all of the pillows on the floor except 1 which he was holding over his head and the blanket half off the bed and half on.

Walking around the bed and towards the small table on the right side, i placed the oreos onto it and climbed on the bed under the blanket.

I whispered quietly, shaking him slightly, wanting him to wake up but instead i received a groan.

I whispered again, a little bit loudly.

'Dormi piccola mia.'
--(Sleep my little one)
He murmured, pulling me closer to him so my head was resting in the crook of his neck and the blanket now completely covering us.

'Lio it's dark'
I giggled, making him smile in his sleep.

'Chiudi gli occhi allora tesoro.'
--(Close your eyes then darling)
He said quietly, pushing my face back into his neck.

After a few minutes of trying to wake him up, i closed my eyes and hugged him close.


Waking up to a bright light in my face, i instantly covered my face with whatever was closest to me.

'What are you doing little one?'
Lio said from behind me, his voice filled with amusement.

'It's too bright Lio, i can't see anything'
I explained, obviously over reacting a little.

'Are you gonna get up now?'
He questioned, making me shake my head.

'10 minutes Lio'
I whispered, my eyes already closing.

'Nu uh'
Was all i heard until i was turned over by Lio, coming face to face with him, smiling.

I opened my eyes and glared at him.

'I was just about to go back to sleep'
I voiced, rolling my eyes.

'Excuse you, who was the one that woke me up at 10:15 this morning huh? It's a Saturday baby, which means i'm not working and when i'm not working, do you ever see me before 11?'

'Ugh but Lioooo'
I dragged on,hoping he would let me go back to sleep.

'Nope, you open them eyes right now young lady'
He explained, pulling me up so i was sitting on his lap.

'Lio i'm tireddd'
I said, letting myself fall onto his chest, making his hands play with my hair.

'I was when you woke me up, but did i complain? no'
He explained, stroking me head.

I turned my head towards the table next to the bed and reached out for my oreos.

'No, it's too early for them, you haven't ate breakfast yet'
He said, taking them away from me and putting them on the other side of me.

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