Chapter 78

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Amara's POV

The girl emerged from the dark road, looking between the group that stood in front of her.

For some reason, i couldn't talk. I felt as i was going to cry if it i did.

She smiled at me, keeping her eyes attached to me and then moved her gaze to Akim, looking him up and down with an annoyed expression.

I slowly made my way over to her, standing in front of her and slightly up at her height.


Violet saw i couldn't get words out and embraced me in a tight hug, like she wanted to take my pain away from me.
(Violet was the girl that helped Amara the second time she was kidnapped. I honestly forgot what chapter it was but she helped get the twins back)

'It's okay Amara'
She whispered, pulling away from me after a few seconds.

'Ew, why are you here'
Violet uttered as Akim appeared behind me.

'I knew her first'
Akim replied, looking her up and down in disgust.

'I don't car-'

As Violet was talking i stopped her.

'How the fuck do you guys knew each other?'
I questioned, looking between the two and keeping Valentino and Vincenzo in sight.

'She's my sister'
Akim said, rolling his eyes.

'Excuse me, what the fuck?'
I voiced, raising my eyebrows in confusion.

'Since when did you have a sister?'
I asked, turning to Akim who looked towards Violet then me.

'Since i came out of a vagin-'

'Okay. There's kids here'
I stopped him, as Violet and i rolled our eyes.

'That's them?'
She questioned, looking at the twins who were sitting on the steps in front of the house.

'That's them'
I spoke, smiling gently at them as they came towards me and we slowly made our way to the cars.

I'm not gonna lie, i'm dreading this part. The twins meeting everyone else, everyone else meeting the twins. It could go two different ways.

Akim and Violet eventually fell behind me and the twins so it was just the three of us.

Vincenzo muttered, allowing me to bend down to his height.

'Who's in there'
He asked, as Tino came closer, also joining the conversation.

'Well, in the one we're going in, there's your grandpa, my grandpa, your uncle Domenico and your dads'
I explained as i watched them look at each other then back to me and nod.

I opened the car door after saying our goodbyes to Akim and Violet and watched as everyone in the car looked away, pretending they wasn't watching us the whole time.

Being as there were 3 seats opposite each other, Romeo, Roman, Domenico we're on one side and my dad and grandpa were on the other side, there was only one seat left.

Everyone in the car kept their eyes glued to the twins as i helped them into the car and sat down in the seat next to my dad.

I closed the door and sat on the floor by Romeo's feet who was opposite the twins. I leant slightly on the twins seat as we drove away, while Valentino and Vincenzo stared at me.

I looked towards Romeo and Roman who's eyes were a little bit red however you wouldn't notice unless you knew. They both looked at me and a grin made its way to their faces as they looked between their sons and i.

Domenico, my dad and grandpa were smiling, also looking between the three of us. There was no awkward silence, everything just felt...calm.

As my head leant on Tino and Enzo's chair, i felt them shivering, that's when i realized they were still only in black sweatpants and a thin white t-shirt.

Noticing this, Romeo and Roman immediately began taking off their hoodies.

The twins looked at me and at them, then back to me as if asking if it was their dads to which i nodded and smiled.

They turned to each other as if they were communicating and took the hoodies that their dads offered. The hoodie practically ate them up as it covered their whole bodies and the only thing that was visible was their faces and a few curls hanging in their faces.

Valentino asked, catching everyone's attention as all of their expressions turned to shock.


'Where we going'
He asked, shuffling around in the oversized hoodie.

'Italy love, everyone's waiting to see the both of you'
I explained, running my thumb up and down Vincenzo shin as they looked at each other, around at everyone and then back at me and nodded slightly.


We was pulling into our driveway, where everyone but me, the twins, Romeo and Roman, Domenico, my dad and grandfather were.

With the time being 6:30pm. None of us had spoken to anyone that stayed in Italy while we went to get Vincenzo and Valentino.

Once we landed, our car stopped at Mcdonald's while the other went back home straight away and all of us encouraged Enzo and Tino to eat something.

The twins had spoke to a couple of others but nevertheless, stayed at my side the whole time.

The car came to a stop and the two boys looked up at me from my lap with tired eyes.

'Ты в порядке?'
—Russian—(Are you okay?)
I asked, looking between the two of them, causing them to nod and sit up slightly while my family began getting off of the cars.

Even some of my brothers and cousins haven't yet seen the twins as they were in other cars.

My nerves began building up as the three of us stepped out of the car, Romeo and Roman appeared behind me, gesturing for me to go inside.

I held Valentino and Vincenzo's hand walking into my house behind my dad, nervous and excited as everyone else waited in the living room, not knowing what to expect.

(All of Amara's family and Romeo and Roman's family was there)

The loudness from the living room began to die out as my sons and i neared, their grips as tight as ever but nonetheless they seemed confident.

We walked in and everyone stared in adoration at the two of them.

Most of my aunts,brothers and cousins came over, gushing over them while they looked up at me, weary of the unfamiliar people in front of them, making me nod, reassuring them it was okay.

I looked up, towards my mom as she made her way towards me, engulfing me in a tight hug.

I'll admit, i got emotional and could've cried on the spot but i didn't. I looked at her as we both pulled away and she held my face in her hands.

'It's gonna be okay Amara'
She whispered to me, causing me smile once again and hug her again.

After a while, everyone had seen the twins up close - already being completely obsessed with them - nobody could leave them alone.

I sat in the middle of Romeo and Roman on the sofa while the twins played in front of us with my brothers and cousins, i sighed in content, relaxing my weight onto Romeo's shoulder and my legs on Roman, the three of us not taking our eyes off our kids.

For the first time in a while, i felt.. fine. Everything was slowly coming together. My family was in a good place, Romeo, Roman and i were in the best place possible and my sons were back with me.

I couldn't wish for anything better.


omg no stop i know it's been ages but i'm back😜

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