Chapter 31

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Amara's POV

'There's a few rules in this house that we go by and we expect you too aswell. The consequences if not followed are being grounded or your phone taking away depending on how bad it is'
My sperm donor explained as he stared at me.

'I doubt your going to consider them but we'll try anyways'
He muttered, barely audible.

Awwww he's a quick learner.

'Yeah, yeah I know how this works, i've read wattpad before'
I voiced, looking at the 4 men in front of me with a bored expression.

Elio asked, confused.

'Never mind, lay em on me then'
I said, leaning back on the chair as i rested both of my arms on the sides of the chair.

'We appreciate respect in this hou-'
Before my sperm donor could even finish that sentence, i did the complete opposite of what he was saying.

'I'm going stop you right fucking there, respect if earned not given out freely. Respect me? I'll respect you back. Disrespect me? And i'll disrespect you back. Works both ways, i don't mind'
I explained, using hand gestures as i spoke.

'You are expected to give us verbal answers, just like everybody else in this house'
Armando carried on, as i received a glare from him
after i had interrupted him.

I feel like hitting him Rose.


I could just reach over this desk right now and stab hi-

I heard somebody shout. I looked towards where the voice came from.

Domizio Bianchi.

I snapped, shocking him and the others. What? Has the big bad mafia leader never been spoken back to before?

'Are you okay?'
He asked, shocked.

I replied, turning back to Armando.

'Yeah what you was saying about verbal answers? I expect them too, so don't nod at me unless you want a smack'
I spoke, checking my nails in front of my face.

'Don't go to the south wing, the basement or the third floor under any circumstance'
He said, making me nod. I might just tell him i sleep walk.

'No fighting unless absolutely needed.'
He voiced, making me hold a finger up in front of him.

'Sorry no. If somebody decides to open their mouth, best believe i will fight them. Family or not, i don't give a fuck'
I explained, the fuck does he think i am? A pretty little girl who just sits in the background and let people walk all over her? Fuck no.

'We advise you not to drink however if you do, be sensible. Smoking is also not allowed here'

'Nope. I drink, on a daily. I don't smoke though'
I explained.

Yes i fucking smoke. Do they need to know that?
He said 'Smoke is not allowed here' he didn't say not to smoke outside of the house.

'No revealing clothes'
He said, making me shake my head.

'I dress for myself, not for anybody else'

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