Chapter 73

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Xander's POV

My sister. My little baby sister.

She never fails to amaze me, at anything.

From getting her own way to beating a man unconscious that was nearly half her size.

She sure is something.

However, right now she was pissing me off.

Her little grin at me from the other side of the room while i sat and got screamed at by practically all of my family.

'She could've gotten hurt Xander.'

'We'll she's not. She's fine'
I muttered, replying to Orlando, mother hen.

After what felt like hours of them all shouting, she stood up.

'Seriously, i'm okay. If anything you should blame me. I was the one that basically begged Xander to take me here'
Amara explained, completely backing me up.

They all complained in a whiny tone.

'I know, i know. But honestly, did you really think i was gonna lose? Thanks for having faith in me guys'
She said, rolling her eyes and changing the subject.

'I hate this now'
Manuel whispered, causing me to laugh.

'Everyone out there used to love us, they all thought nobody could beat us. Now they are all obsessed with her. No wonder though, i can't lie i'd never want to fight her'
He carried on making my cousins and i chuckle.

'How did you all know i was here anyways?'
Amara questioned as she turned away from our father who was hugging the life out of her. Talk about favorites.

'Well a certain someone decided to snitch as soon as everyone found out you was here'
Sebastian laughed, allowing us all to turn to Xavier as we knew it was him.

That motherfucker stood there smiling the whole time.

'Can we go home now?'
He grinned, holding up his thumb.

'Your lucky your my twin, brother'
I murmured as i walked next to him outside of the club while he turned to me, confused.

'Don't scare me like that Xander'
He spoke, smacking my shoulder and pushing me away then running up to Javier and Remo.

'I'm tired'
Amara cried as we drove along in Calvino's car.
Landon was in the passenger seat while Domenico and i were in the back with Amara in the middle of us.

'Sleep then'
I argued, staring out the window into the dark sky.

'Shut up Xander.'
She practically screamed.

After a couple of minutes of her sighing heavily, unnecessarily, she through herself over Nico and i so her feet were on my lap.

She faced the back of the seat, then faced Nico, then faced the back of the seat, then faced Nico for around 5 minutes until she sat up again.

She yelled and jumped onto Nico's lap, hugging him'

'Comfortable now'
She mumbled, closing her eyes while our brother played with her hair.

She's 100% his favorite, she's everyone's fucking favorite. Except mine. Maybe. I'm lying.

After driving for a while, we made it back home and my sister was still sleeping.

Nico picked her up like a baby and carried her inside where we was met with our grandfather and grandmother.

'La mia principessa'
—Italian—(My princess)
He said as he made his way too Amara, much to Dom's liking.

Once she was in his arms, i made my way upstairs and into my bedroom then bathroom and getting into the shower.

The room began to steam up while i rested my head on the wall, letting water slide down my body.

I care.

It probably doesn't seem that way, but i do.

But the only thing i do care about is my family, particularly my sister. I'm not saying i have favorites but she is the one i'd go to for anything.

She's the only girl that i'll ever care about, and of course my mother and aunts. But never will i ever like or be with a girl. I've seen what it's like.

My uncles for example.

I aspire to be like Enrique. No, not the one that was married to a whore, but the person he is today. He doesn't give a fuck about anyone apart from his family.

I've seen what relationships do to you, him as an example. His wife, Juliet, cheating on him and all. My grandfather thinking my grandmother was dead for years and it completely ruining him.

Being in the mafia too. That's hard work as it is, let alone being in a relationship too.

Don't get me wrong, i've liked girls before, i've had crushes on girls before. But i've never been in relationships and i never will be. Sex. That's it. That's all. Nothing more and nothing less.

The thought of having kids, grosses me out. The thought of having a wife, annoys me. I'll get bored. I know i will. Then your stuck with them for the rest of your life. If your married and have kids but need a divorce, your fucked.

Putting your own children through that is harsh however them seeing the bad side to relationships is even harsher, hence the reason i don't want kids.

Letting your kids go through any type of pain or simply letting them see you and your wife arguing, damages them and makes them see relationships in a way they shouldn't.

But i think about this stuff then i think back to my sister, and if someone thought of her like this.

God, if someone was to do anything to harm or endanger my sister, i know it wouldn't just me who would be pissed.

Family, friends, friends of the family and mafia allies. The person would need a fucking miracle to save them.

Romeo and Roman? I know what they're like. Well, i know what they was like. I was good friends with the both of them at one point until all of us found out that they left our sister with those disgusting people.

Oh how badly i'd hurt those men. I can't wait for that day.

Everyone in our family will have their own way of hurting them, making sure to long out the painful process. Just like they did to my sister.

She's too innocent for this world. Well that's a lie and i'm sure everyone knows it.

She is what most boys would call a whore or a slut. I dare someone call her that though.

Who gives a fuck if she is? It's her life for one, let her live it the way she wants. Let her be the way she wants to be and let her do the things she wants to do with the utmost respect in the world, because i'll tell you now, there is not one person in this world that will be above my sister.

All i've ever wanted was to be close with her again.

And that's happening. Slowly.


Xavier really reminds me off Nick Sturniolo.

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