Chapter 7

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Gabriela's POV

'What the fuck happened baby'
I said as i went up to Domenico and grabbed his face, looking at the scratch on the right side of his face and his nose, which was slightly bleeding.

'Ma it's fine the other people look worse'
He replied shrugging me off.

'I never fucking asked if the other people looked worse i asked what the fuck happened'
I said, irritated.

'We got in a fight'
He muttered, unbothered by the situation.

'Well no fucking shit Dom'
Armando explained, also annoyed.

'Did you at least win?'
All of the men said together.

Typical fucking men.

'Who do we look like to you, of course we did'
Landon voiced out, cockily, resulting in Maria slapping his head.

'I- wh- who with?'
Sebastian asked them.

'Remember Jack and his little group?'
Luke, Domenico's best friend said.

'The one that you guys fought before?'
Elio asked, in which all of the boys nodded.

'That's the one, yeah he was starting shit'
Gianmarco said.

'Starting talking about Mara too, fucking pussy'
Domenico muttered, not thinking anyone would hear.

'What the fuck was that?'
Armando voiced loudly, after hearing that.

All of the boys exchanged looks.

I said impatiently, putting my hands on my hips.

'He said something about Amara'
Domenico replied.

'What's his fucking name and where the fuck does he live, i'll fucking kill him and his mother fucking family for having my baby's name in his mouth'
Domizio said, standing up.

'It's cool, they all went to the hospital'
Asher explained.

'Bravo figliolo'
——(Well done son)
Armando said going up to Domenico and giving him a hug and a handshake, and doing the same to the other boys.

'So you guys 100% won right?'
Emberto said.

'Certo che lo abbiamo fatto zio'
——(Of course we did uncle).
Domenico said, hugging Xavier as he came into the room.

'Cosa ha detto di Amara?'
——(What did he say about Amara?)
Armando asked him, wanting to know why the fuck someone was talking about his princess.

'He said that it would be a shame if she got hurt'
Damien said, getting annoyed again.

The room went silent.

This motherfucke-

'I'm gonna fucking kill someone'
Armando replied, getting his phone out and calling someone, quietly.

I heard my little girl scream as she ran into the kitchen and into Luke's arms.

'Hey darling, i missed you'
He said, picking her up and hugging her.

'I missed you too lukey'
She muttered, hugging him back.

She then gasped as she saw his face.

'What happened lukey?'
She said, wiping the dried up blood on his cheekbone.

'I got into a fight darling, that's all'
He replied, setting her on the counter beside him.

'And did you win?'
She said, crossing her arms and staring at him.

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