Chapter 38

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Romeo's POV

'Estoy tan jodidamente cansado'
—Spanish—(I'm so fucking tired)
Roman muttered from beside me as he drove us home.

'Mismo hermano.'
—Spanish—(Same brother)
I replied, leaning my head back as 'Star Shopping' played in the background. I looked at time on my phone, 8:17am.

I slowly glanced down at my wrist, staring at the bracelet that hung on my hand. Tattoos cover my hands and my arms. My whole fucking body was covered in them.

'Estás mirando de nuevo.'
—Spanish—(Your staring again)
Roman murmured, looking at me for a few seconds and then back at the road as he pulled into our driveway.

I hummed, as i opened my door and stepped out.

I walked into the foyer, with my best friend following behind me, locking his car.

'Nosotros estamos en casa'
—Spanish—(We're home)
I shouted, making my mother and Roman's mom appear out of no where. My mother holding my younger brother Emilio who had tears on his face and Chiara's (Roman mother) holding my youngest brother Elias who was sleeping calmly.

'Hola cariño'
—Spanish—(Hi sweetie)
Chiara said, kissing my cheek and calling me by my nickname she has used since i was a baby while my mother did the exact same thing to Roman.

'Hola bebé.'
—Spanish—(Hi baby)
My mom said, kissing my cheek and Roman's mom doing the same to him.

'El quería verte'
—Spanish—(He wanted to see you)
My mother explained, handing me Emilio who relaxed once he was in my arms.

After sitting in the kitchen for half an hour, calming down Emilio, i made my way upstairs with Roman and we both lied down on my bed.

'La vamos a encontrar'
—Spanish—(We're gonna find her)
Roman voiced after a few minutes.

'No estoy teniendo esta conversación'
—Spanish—(I'm not having this conversation)
I spoke, standing up.

'Joder, yo también la extraño, no eres solo tú.'
—Spanish—(I fucking miss her too it's not just you)
He shouted, also standing up.

'Tu no entiendes'
—Spanish—(You dont fucking understand)
I exclaimed, grabbing him by the collar while he did the same.

'Vete a la mierda Romeo.'
—Spanish—(Fuck you Romeo)
He yelled, pushing me against the wall causing me to push him back and punching him.

After a couple of seconds, we were both on the floor continuously throwing punches at each over.

Moments later, we were both being pulled away from each over by our fathers.

'¿Qué carajo les pasa a ustedes dos?'
—Spanish—(What the fuck is the matter with you two)
My father questioned as he sat behind his desk with Fernando (Roman's father) next to him, a pissed of look visible on his face while handing us both tissues to wipe the blood from our faces.

'Tu no entiendes'
—Spanish—(You don't fucking understand)
I murmured.

'No puedes pelear cada vez que alguien la menciona'
—Spanish—(You can't just fucking fight every time someone mentions her)
Fernando spoke, shaking his head.

'Estamos haciendo todo lo posible para buscarla. Ustedes también y su familia.'
—Spanish—(We're doing everything we can to look for her. You guys are too and her family)
My dad said, as he leant his arms onto his desk.
There wasn't a day that went by without me thinking about her. Roman was in the same situation too. Everyone in mine and his family were looking for her, and they wasn't stopping until we did. They were all dying to meet her, Emilio especially. Even my fucking dad and Roman's dad want to see her again, and they despise everyone who isn't family. Wanting to meet the girl that changed their son and protected him when she could. This year would be the 4th year. 4 fucking years since i hadn't seen that girl. The girl that i'm completely fucking obsessed with and i'm sure Roman is too. The bracelets that she made Roman and i when we were 7 years old we haven't taken off once. I go to school with it on. I sleep with it on. I shower with it on. All of our friends question me and Roman about her 24/7. Her brothers however, fucking hate us. Her whole family does. They think that we left her to die and i'm pretty sure she does too.

'Lo que'-
I murmured, standing up and walking to my office thy i shared with Roman.

As i was scrolling through my phone while sitting at my desk, the door opened and Roman sat down behind his desk, opposite mine.

'Lo siento. Es solo que ... la extraño.'
—Spanish—(I'm sorry. It's just...i fucking miss her)
I whispered my eyes watered.

Seconds later, Roman was pulling me in for a bro-hug.

'Lo sé, yo también. La vamos a encontrar.'
—Spanish—(I know, i do too. We're going to find her)
He replied, tears also forming in his eyes.

'De todos modos, mañana a la escuela.'
—Spanish—(Anyway, school tomorrow)
He said sarcastically, pulling away from the hug and sitting back down on one of the sofas that was to the right of my desk along with a huge tv placed in front of it.

I muttered, matching his energy.

'¿Quieres comida?'
—Spanish—(You wanna get food?)
I asked him, making him nod and walk towards the door.

'Seguro, pero esta vez conduces.'
—Spanish—(Sure, but your driving this time)
He shouted, walking towards the stairs.

'¿Alguno de ustedes quiere comida de McDonalds?'
—Spanish—(Any of you guys want food from McDonalds?)
I asked as i poked my head around the corner to see in the kitchen where my whole family and Roman's family were.

'ya voy'
—Spanish—(I'm coming)
Carlos (Roman's older brother - 18), Matteo (Roman's younger brother - 16), Leonardo (Romeo's younger brother - 16) shouted, as they all ran towards the garage.

'Llévalo contigo o empezará a llorar de nuevo.'
—Spanish—(Take him with you, or he will start crying again)
My mom said as she walked towards me with Emilio in her arms.

I fucking hate kids.

'No mamá-'
—Spanish—(No mama-)
Before i could finish my sentence, she raised her hand as if she was going to smack me causing me to grab Emilio.

'Está bien, está bien, lo llevaré. Jeez mujer.'
—Spanish—(Okay, okay, i'll take him. Jeez woman)
I mumbled as i walked towards the door.

'Soy tu madre, chico estúpido.'
—Spanish—(I'm your mother, stupid boy)
She screamed, throwing her shoe towards me while i ran towards the garage.

'Espera a que tengas mi edad.'
—Spanish—(Just wait to your my age)
I voiced to Emilio who was laughing in my arms as he pulled my hair.

—Spanish—(Take him)
I yelled, opening the back door of my car and throwing Emilio on Leonardo, Carlos and Matteo who all groaned in annoyance.

'¿Por qué está aquí?'
—Spanish—(Why's he here?)
Leonardo whined making me lean over to the middle seat and smack his head.

'Es tu maldito hermano, idiota.'
—Spanish—(He's your fucking brother, idiot)
I spoke, getting into the drivers seat next to Roman and starting the car.


This was just a lil look into Romeo's and Roman's life👍 but the next chapter is gonna be Amara starting her new school.. i think🎅 my bad if there's a few mistakes btw i wrote this in like an hour🙄

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