Chapter 4

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Armando's POV

1 hour later-

After i finished getting ready, i made my way to my princess' bedroom and opened the door to find my wife and daughter looking in the mirror and taking pictures.

God these 2 are so fucking alike i'm scared of what the fuck princess is going to be like in the future.

I snuck up behind my wife, unnoticed, and wrapped my arms around her waist, making her turn her head around and kiss me and snap another quick picture in the mirror of the 3 of us.

'Fottiti sembra buono piccola'
——(fuck you look good babe)
i whispered in her ear, making her laugh and shush me.

'principessa sei così bella'
——(princess you look so beautiful)
i said as i bent down next to my little girl and kissed her cheek which resulting in her giggling and kissing my cheek back.

Gabriela went round the other side of her and we walked towards the foyer, where the family were probably waiting for us being as we were nearly
15 minutes late.

Third Person POV

After a few minutes of waiting in the foyer for 3 other people they heard the sound of heels hitting the floor and getting closer and closer to the staircase, pulling their attention away from Xander, Xavier and Orlando who were arguing, again, they were meet with Gabriela and Armando on either side of Amara.

After a few minutes of waiting in the foyer for 3 other people they heard the sound of heels hitting the floor and getting closer and closer to the staircase, pulling their attention away from Xander, Xavier and Orlando who were arguing, again, th...

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(Amara's fit - y'all can imagine it how you want)

(Amara's fit - y'all can imagine it how you want)

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(Gabriela's fit)

(Gabriela's fit)

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