Chapter 34

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Amara's POV

I feel like killing someone.

You know when you have an urge to do something and you need to do it to get rid of that urge? The action or practice of inflicting severe pain or suffering on someone as a punishment or in order to force them to do or say something. Yeah, that sounds about right. Some people would call me crazy but i don't like putting names on things.

I rolled over so i was now facing the door, 4:30am.
I came up to bed after watching a couple more movies around 1:30 and haven't slept at all.

I'm sure everyone in this house is currently sleeping, well i fucking hope they was.

I slowly peeled myself off of my bed and into my closet, putting on a pair of black cycling shorts and a crop top then a black bum bag (or watch ever y'all call it) to match with it. The weather in NYC was pretty cold at the minute, that however didn't bother me because of a certain someone.

 The weather in NYC was pretty cold at the minute, that however didn't bother me because of a certain someone

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(⬆️ Amara's Outfit)

I grabbed a couple of weapons, hiding a couple in my trainers and then around my body, including my dick-taser then walked towards the door to my balcony and climbed over, being careful not to fall.

I then climbed over a wall and made my way to the closet 'public area' to my house which was meant to be 20 minutes away however only taking me 7.

After an hour, i had tasered a total of 4 men that had tried to come and talk to me. They were all currently unconscious, not dead unfortunately, but unconscious.

Just as i was wandering past a alley was, i heard several cries, screams and grunts coming from behind 2 bins that were placed together, as if it was hiding something.

It's my time to shine.

'Move or i'll shoot'
I voiced, grabbing my gun and aiming it towards the floor next to the bins, causing the noises to die down.

When nothing happened, i shot the floor making someone scream slightly.

'I said, move'
Hearing a zipper being zipped up and shuffling, an older man, maybe 50's, stepped out to the side.

'Move them'
I gestured towards the bins, making the man push one of the to the side.

'Slowly, or i'll shoot you in your fucking head'
I explained as i pushed the gun against the side of his head making him tense.

When he pushed the 2nd bin, a small ginger-haired girl lied there.

I fucking hate kids.

I pushed the gun towards the right side of his face so he couldn't see her and was looking at the road.

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