Chapter 42

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Amara's POV

Not saying a word, i grabbed the front of Romeo's neck and placed his lips on mine. Without hesitation, he wrapped his hand around the back of my neck, deepening the kiss and pulling my head down as i lightly bit his lip, making it open slightly and allowing my tongue to slip inside while shivers were sent down my spine and sparks coat my body.

I eventually pulled away and stared at the girl who's mouth hung open in shock, she let her eyes fall behind me and then back up, meeting my eyes.

'Of course. How could i forget'
I muttered as i rolled my eyes and turned around, facing Roman who had a smirk on his face.

I bent down, grabbing both sides of Roman's face. In a matter of milliseconds, my lips were brushing against his. His fingertips made their way to my hair and then the back of my neck, pure electricity spread throughout my whole body and my heart beat clear in my ears as I did the exact same thing i did to Romeo to him, maybe for a little bit longer.

When i pulled away, i stood up straight and turned around, only to find Danielle now standing but Tiara holding her arm in a tight grip. Savanna and Michelle stood behind Danielle, staring at me and Tiara with a disgusted look.

I'll smack the fuck out of them bitches in a second.

'This bitch was about to grab your hair'
Ari spoke, glaring at Danielle who returned the look.

'So you fight like a pussy too?'
I asked as i stood next to Tiara, raising my eye brows.

Danielle lowered her gaze to the floor as well as her minions, not replying.

I murmured, grabbing Tiara's hand and walked away.

Bend down if 5..4..3..2..1.

I grabbed the back of Ari's head and pulled her down, following what the voice to me to do.

In a blink of an eye, a fork landed in front of me where it had been thrown from behind.

Standing up straight and staring at the wall in front of me, i felt my eyes fully dilate.

'Sit down'
I muttered to Tiara, who looked at me and widened her eyes.

Here she comes.

I slowly picked up the fork that was on the floor and turned around. My head was tilted slightly downwards as i stared forwards through my eye brows.

In a second, i held Danielle over the table by her neck. I poked the fork into her neck as i gazed down at her while her eyes held completely and utter fear.

Stab her neck.

Kill her and make sure she's dead

Draw blood.

I swiftly stabbed the fork into her neck. Her screams echoed through the cafeteria as people started in horror at me and attempted helping me and Danielle. I chuckled as i glanced down at her eyes. Slowly shutting as the familiar red liquid appeared in her mouth and gradually fell to the table that her head was resting on. I picked up her head and threw her to the floor, standing above her with tiny smile while she lied helplessly on the floor.

(guys she was hallucinating. she didn't actually kill Danielle)

'Get her other arm'
I heard as somebody pulled me away from my position where i still had Danielle on the table by her neck.

Gabriel grabbed my arms tightly as i struggled, trying to get away.

Axel came to the opposite side and grabbed my right arm while Gabriel grabbed my left. They both linked their arms with mine in a tight grip and walked towards the cafeteria doors while everyone stared.

They made their way towards an empty classroom as i fought against both of them and locked the door behind them. Gabriel and Axel placed me on the floor, staying either side of me. After a few minutes of my struggling, my body began to see double of everything. Everything felt like it was spinning and my throat felt like it was getting smaller and smaller by the second, making it hard to breathe. I began panicking and reaching out for something to help me.

'It's okay, we're here'
Axel whispered, stroking my hair.

'Let it happen baby'
Gabriel mumbled as my vision became dark.


'Good morning sunshine'
I heard as my eyes opened.

I groaned and turned my head to the right where Gabriel and Axel sat.

'How longs it been?'
I asked, rubbing my eyes.

'8 minutes'
Axel replied, making me sigh.

'Not long then'
I said, standing up and stretching.

'Tell me why the fuck you haven't been taking your meds?'
Gabriel voiced, standing up.

'Mind shutting your fucking mouth? My head hurts'
I spoke, waving him off.

'Besides, i forgot'
I muttered, sitting down on a chair as the classroom door opened.

'Dads here'
Angelo said, poking his head in and looking at me with a concerned look.

I uttered, standing up and walking out of the room with the boys following me.

As we walked along the hallway, i linked my arm with Angelo making him look down at me and smile softly.

'What was that?'
He asked quietly, referring to before.

'Don't worry about it, it's nothing'
I replied as we walked into the office only to find my father, uncles, grandfather and brothers there.

'Oh piccola'
——(Oh baby)
My father whispered as he made his way towards me and hugged me tightly.

Normally i would've punched someone for doing this. But i didn't, surprisingly. I relaxed into his arms making him hug me even tighter.

'Are you okay?'
He asked, pulling away and holding my face in his two hands.

'I'm okay'
I voiced with a small smile.

'Let's go home'
He explained, holding my hand and walking out of the office.


So Amara's, Romeo's and Roman's first scene together since what happened🧍‍♀️ Did you guys expect her to do that✋

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