Chapter 43

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(Okay so with my last chapter most of y'all are a bit confused so lemme just summarize... Danielle is NOT dead. Amara did NOT kill her. In a couple of chapters now, you guys have seen that she has schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a mental health condition where you see, hear or believe things that are not real. In simple terms, Amara was hallucinating. When she stabbed Danielle and killed her, she was hallucinating, it do not actually happen. If you guys see anything like this happen to Amara again, i'll make it more clear that it was a hallucination or at least not real. My bad if it made you guys confused😐 If you have any questions, please ask. I don't want you guys not understanding what your reading🙃)

Amara's POV

I scream the lyrics to 'Party in the USA' by Miley Cyrus. I looked at my father and help an imaginary microphone at his mouth, gesturing him to sing.

After he finished the verse, i placed the mic at Elio's mouth then Paulo's then at Enrique's then Marino's then Alfonso's then at Jacob's then Domizio's. Surprisingly, every single one of them new the song word by word. By the end of the song, all of us were yelling the lyrics as we pulled up at the house. The whole time, all of them snuck glances at me. Probably judging me but who cares.

'Did you know that being buried alive is one of the most worst ways to die? You would be stuck underneath soil for a maximum of 5 hours with no oxygen. So basically being suffocated for 5 hours. People or animals can experience premature burial by accident. They could be mistaken for being dead however it is most known as a form of torture, murder or execution.'
I rambled on as i chewed on my oreo causing my whole family to give me weird looks.

' do you know that?'
Alfonso asked, furrowing his eyebrows and giving me a weird look.

'Learnt it somewhere'
I replied, throwing my last oreo into my mouth and opening my car door, walking towards the front door of my house.

I screamed, walking into the house only to be met with Domenico, Marco and Esteban standing at the bottom of the stairs.

'Oh princess'
Marco explained, running towards me and pulling me into a hug.

'I'm fine Marky'
I voiced, hugging his waist. So far, Marco's hugs are by far the best. Well... out of Angelo's, Xavier's, Manu's, Orlando's, Liam's, Salvatore's, Ivano's, Milo's, Jaxon's, Jason's, Hunter's, Eliseo's, Remo's, Javier's, Adonis', Uberto's and Raul's. I haven't hugged my father properly or even my mother yet, nor Domenico, Esteban, Xander or any of my cousins that are like them come to that. Esteban is definitely the quiet brother. He would rather observe somebody than talk to them, much like Thiago, Carlos, Carter and Daniel. My uncles seem okay i guess. I only see them at breakfast and dinner so there's no much to talk about there, aswell as my grandmother and grandfather. However i always notice the looks i get from all of them.

' you okay?'
Esteban questioned with a blank face, not moving from his space.

'I'm okay Este'
I said while smiling at him, making his eyes light up slightly.

I then switched my attention towards my eldest brother. In these 4 days that i've been here, i only ever see him at dinner and that's for 30 minutes except from when i brought coffee back yesterday morning. He only talks when spoken too and keeps himself to himself. I'm sure that he is the oldest out of all of my brothers put together being as all of them following what they he says or what he asks. Domenico had a powerful aura surrounding him. It's like he scream richness and dominance. He's very very similar to my father, Marino, Enrique and grandfather.

I looked down at my hands as i made eye contact with him as i rocked back and forth of my heels.

'I...... um..'
I muttered, in the end i gave up and stuck my thumb up with an awkward smile.

What the fuck Amara? Could you be anymore fucking awkward.

I shouted, making all of them jump.

Turning on my feet, i made my way towards the kitchen before this could get any more awkward.

I opened the door and was crushed into a hug by my mother. At first i tensed, not used to a motherly-hug but i slowly relaxed and wrapped my arms around her.

'My baby... are you okay? Do you want me to kill her mom? I'll go and torture her right n-'

'Mama, i'm fine'
I uttered, interrupting her as she held my face in her hands. Her eyes brightened up at the sound of me calling her 'mama' for the first time.

'My turn'
I heard someone exclaim as i got pulled into a hug yet again.

'Oh my baby niece. You are so gorgeous'
Sebastian spoke, squeezing me tightly. Now with Sebastian and Emberto, if i ever needed hyping up or if i was just sad in general, they were the people to go to just like Jacob and my aunts.

I heard someone say as i was embraced in a hug by

'I'm fine cinderella'
I voiced, hugging Milo's waist. Turns out Milo is the only man in this house that has watched at least 1 disney movie. Yesterday i walked in on him watching Cinderella and since then, it always pops into my mind when i see him.

'Enough with the Cinderella'
He whined, pulling away.

I replied, rolling my eyes and walking towards the fridge, grabbing some strawberries and cream.

I pulled off the leaves and squirted some of the whipped cream onto the strawberry, throwing it into my mouth and almost moaning at the taste.

'I'm kinda off tired, i'll be in my bedroom is you need me'
I shouted as i began walking towards the door with my food in my hands.

'Nope. You coming with me'
My father mumbled, grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the staircase.

'Ughhhh but dad'
I groaned, throwing my head back and closing my eyes as he dragged me in the direction of his office.

I jolted awake when i fell into the chair that was on the other side of my fathers' desk making me whine and complain yet again.

'What was that today?'
He asked, resting his hand on his palm while he stared at me.

'Look, i was just tired and i lashed out. The girl was being a bitch so i got mad. No big deal'
I explained, making hand gestures as i spoke.

He continued to stare at me for a few minutes. Looking for something in my expression, anything.
Yeah..that will never work. I've been taught how to hide my emotions by a fucking psychopath, i think i'll be fine.

'Can i um.. hug?'
I murmured, playing with the rings that were on my index fingers.

'Come here baby'
He replied, opening his arms out as he remained seated.

I stood from my seat, walked around the desk and sat on his lap sideways, hugging his waist while me head rested on his chest. This was weird for me. Very fucking weird. Letting people in? This quickly? Men especially? Yeah.. there was something about this man that was just... okay? I felt safe with him, like he was going to protect me, well i fucking hope he was anyway. A few moments of silence went by, my eyes were slowly closing and my breathing became even as my father played with my hair.

'What are you not telling me little one?'
Was the last thing i heard as i fell into a deep sleep.


Quite a late update tbh🙄

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