Chapter 18

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Amara's POV

Waking up from my sleep with my face in my Angelo's neck, his arm over my waist and Marco cuddling me from behind, i turned my head towards the window and saw it was still dark.

2:15 the clock on the table read.

I have no clue what that means.

Deciding that i should go back to sleep, i placed my head in Angelo's neck again, making him put his hand at the back of my head and stroke it lightly.

Sighing, i turned over, facing a drooling Marco and glanced at the clock again.


I couldn't tell if i wanted to sleep or if i wanted to get up and walk around. Part of me wants to stay here, you know all nice and warm, i'm comfortable. But the other part of me wants to get up and walk around, like i'm bored, what else is there to do.

Yeahhhh, i'm gonna go with option 2.

After i slowly peeled myself away from my 2 brothers, i made my way to the door and opened it slightly, so only my head could fit through the gap. I turned my head from left to right, just as i was about to step out the room i heard a door close and footsteps, sounding like they was getting closer.

Oh shizzle, Rose seriously?

Shutting the door, shushing the voice inside of my head, i ran back over to the bed and slowly got under the blanket again, closing my eyes just as the door opened.

As the unknown species walked towards the bed, i prepared myself for the worst, when suddenly i felt a kiss on my forehead.


The unknown species is daddy?

'Ti amo, mia piccola principessa'
——(I love you, my little princess)
He whispered, then kissed Angelo and Marco and walked out of the room.

I stayed in my place, not moving until i heard daddy's bedroom shut.

Knowing that he shouldn't get up again, i made my way to the door again, doing the same as before and walking out of the room, closing the door, gently behind me.

Walking to the stairs case, passing by my bedroom, twinny's, Este's and Coco's, i reached the bottom of the stairs, standing pretty much in the foyer i walked towards the kitchen.

Seriously, if you make a noise, you know everyone in the house is gonna be on you.

Oh shush, we will be fine, promise.

Whatever you say Rose.

Sometimes she is rude to me. The girl in my head i mean. Sometimes she tells me to do things that i don't want to do but i do them anyway. Sometimes she tells me to do bad things, do i do them? Yes. Should i do them? Hmmm probably not. She is pretty though, i have seen her around the house quite a few times. But i haven't got a name for her yet, like she has a name for me 'Rose' but i just don't know what to call her.

Walking into the kitchen, pushing the chair up against the cupboard, grabbing my oreos and then grabbing some water from the fridge, i climbed on top of the chair again, and sat on the counter. The oreos and water next to me and the chair underneath my feet, just in case i fell.

Looking out of the window, i saw Apollo and Blaze awake, staring at me from inside of their little house.

I smiled and waved at them as if i was some celebrity, making them wag their tails and run up to the chair that was just underneath the window outside, and jump on it, so the only thing that was separating us was the window.

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