Chapter 17

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Domenico's POV

Before i could answer Angelo or better yet tell him to shut the fuck up my father walked in.

God fucking help me.

'Dad what's sex?'
Angelo asked, making him look at me and then back at his youngest son.

'Well son, when 2 people love each over, they get naked with each over and-'

Cue mama walking in.

'What the fuck are you talking about?'
She says to dad.

'I'm telling him about sex'
Dad explains, as if it means nothing.

'The fuck you are, he isn't getting no girlfriend or boyfriend anytime soon so we don't need to have that conversation yet and when the time does come, i will be the one telling him, not you, not any of his brothers or uncles, me, because i know your gonna put some weird shit into his head. Come on baby'
She voiced, holding out her hand to a smiling Angelo.

This little bitch is gonna make me get into trouble now.

'What if he wants to fuck some girls now? What happens then?'
Dad shouts, following mama out of the room, carrying on the conversation.

After a few minutes of silence and all of us processing what the fuck had just happened in the last half an hour Xander speaks up.

'I'm gonna fuck loads of girls'

I blame my dad.

Domizio's POV

Sitting on the sofa in my sons office with a laptop in my lap, the doors opened and Armando walked in with Amara in his arms, chatting away like usual as he nodded along.

She shouted, jumping out of her father's arms and running into mine.

I shouted back at her, with the same enthusiasm in my voice. What? She my favorite person.

'What are you doing?'
She asks, sitting on the side of me with my arm wrapped around her and leaning to look over at my laptop.

'Sending emails little one, where have you been'
I replied, showing her my screen, so she could see what i was typing.

'I was downstairs with Coco and then all of his friends came'
She voiced, playing with the buttons on my shirt.

She said, looking at him.

'What's up love?'
He explained, shifting his attention away from his screen and looking at her.

'Can we watch a movie in here?'
She questioned.

'Sure baby, go get the remote from the table'
He replied back to her, pushing his chair over to a set of drawers and getting out paperwork.

Mara jumped off of the sofa and ran to where the table was, switching on the tv that was opposite the sofa i was sitting on. She then ran towards my son and under his desk, opening the mini fridge he had in there for her, of course nobody knew except Armando and i, so we always had it topped up for occasions like this. She then placed all of the food and drinks she got onto the glass table in front of the sofa including, crips, chocolate, cakes, sweets and of course more oreos and then ran to the small cupboard on the other side of the room, behind her fathers desk and pulled out one of the massive fluffy blankets she keeps in here. It is November after all.

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