Chapter 46

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Amara's POV

Squinting my eyes shut, i rolled over on my bed, landing on a bare chest.

I groaned, opening my eyes as i adjusted my head on Axel's chest.

'Você está bem anjo?'
—Portuguese—(You okay angel)
He whispered, moving down slightly so we were face to face. We were both currently in my bed, it was currently 4 in the morning on Friday. Last night, well at 9pm, we were assigned a mission to kill someone. It was pretty much the normal, i go and seduce them and Axel tortures the fuck out of them for answers to give back to the guy that assigned it to us. School had been pretty boring since Monday when i started. On Tuesday when i went to school, i was called to the principal's office. Turns out, he works in my fathers' mafia so i can pretty much get away with anything and everything, same with my brothers. I hadn't seen Romeo and Roman since Monday. They hadn't been in school and i haven't seen them out when i go on my late night walks, so that was.. surprising.

I hummed as i cuddled into him more.

'Você vai a essa festa hoje à noite?'
—Portuguese—(Are you going to that party tonight?)
I asked, making him nod his head.

'Os meninos disseram que sim, eu acho.'
—Portuguese—(The boys said they were so i guess)
He replied, stroking my hair.

'Voce vai ficar'
—Portuguese—(Are you staying?)
I voiced, closing my eyes. I hadn't really had to worry about Axel, Gabriel and Silas meeting my family seeing as they were introduced on Tuesday as my brothers friends.

He uttered, as he cuddled into me more, also closing his eyes.


Angelo shouted at he jumped on top of me and Axel.

'Awwww hi Axel'
He said, hugging him causing Axel to smack the back of his head.

'Get the fuck off me'
He muttered, making Angel snicker and turn back to laying on to of me.

'It's time to get up, or we're gonna be late again'
He explained and stood up again, running out of the bedroom and to Xavier's.

'I'm getting in the shower, you coming?'
I asked, standing up and looking back at Axel, smirking.

'Let's go'
He spoke, standing up quickly and pushing me by my waist to the bathroom.

After our shower, i changed and have Axel clothes that he had left here before to wear and made our way downstairs with Angelo, Xavier and Xander being as everyone had already left for work and school.

After our shower, i changed and have Axel clothes that he had left here before to wear and made our way downstairs with Angelo, Xavier and Xander being as everyone had already left for work and school

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(⬆️ Amara's Outfit)

(⬆️ Amara's Outfit)

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(⬆️ Axel's Outfit)

I screamed as i ran towards the passenger seat and locked the door, flipping off Angelo who was trying to open the door and banging on the window.

'Ooooo let's get some coffee'
I said as i pointed to a starbucks, blocking Xander's view making him swerve slightly.

I muttered.

'Amara cut that shit out'
He voiced, smacking my hand down and turning his attention back to his driving.

'It's nearly 8, we haven't got time'
He uttered causing me to frown.

'But i want coffeeee'
I dragged on, visibly pissing him off.

'I said no'
He replied making me sigh and turn on the radio, playing the most girliest song i could think of.

By the time we arrived at school, 'Crazy in Love' by Beyoncé was playing and i was white girl dancing in the front seat while screaming the lyrics.

It was 8:05 so everyone was basically still standing outside in front of the school, now staring at our car.

After Xander parked, in a not so graceful way, we all stepped out of the car in sync as everyone's heads turned towards us to stare, like normal.

Axel came to my side and gripped my hand discreetly, hiding the gesture slightly from Xander.

Moments after glancing around, i caught a glimpse of Romeo and Roman standing on the far right, in the direction we was walking, with all of their friends, both were glaring at Axel and i's entwined hands.

'Hey Ami'
Tiara voiced as she appeared to the left side of me with Brielle, Tomas, Kyran, Korey, Kyrie, Jordan, Isaiah, Theo, Gabriel and Silas also joining us.

'Hey babes'
I replied, giving her and Brielle a grin.

As we were walking towards the doors of the school where Romeo and Roman were standing, both of them started walking in our direction. Being as i was in the middle of everyone and the 2 of them were walking straight for me, either they had to move to the side for us to get by or Axel and i would have to move apart.

Knowing already what they wanted to achieve, i moved closer to Axel so i was linking his arm and i was practically glued to his him. Peeking up at that both, i smirked as i saw their jaws clench. Eat pussy bitch.

Romeo and Roman were now meters from me and still hadn't moved. Then, they barged right between Axel and i, causing me to unlink his arm and pushing us apart. Axel turned around, glaring at the 2.

'What the fuck was that'
He shouted towards them, resulting in both of them turning around. God, they could never be more petty.

By now, all of our group had stopped and were staring at Romeo and Roman, Xander especially. Apparently the 3 of them had a huge fight a couple of years back and had never gotten over it. I looked behind them and saw all of their group, their brothers included who both stared at me in shock and lust.

'Should've moved'
Roman uttered, keeping his eyes settled on me as i held eye contact with him. Course it's him, Romeo was never a lover for talking.

But fuck me his voice is making me horny. No stop Amara.

All of our memories came flooding back to me as i switched eye contact between the 2, not bothering to look away for a second.

'Let's go Angel'
Axel murmured, grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the school.

I looked up at him and then behind me, looking them in the eye one last time before i disappeared into the school.

Fuck me, today was gonna be long.


This is kinda a short chapter so imma try and update quickly🧍‍♀️ like i said last week, i've had so many tests last week and some this week so i haven't been updating often but they are coming, i promise🙄

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