Chapter 24

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(In Armando's POV, the time is 11:30 at night on the same day that Amara was taken. Amara was taken in the early hours of 3rd of December, it was now late at night STILL being 3rd of December - just putting out there in case there is any confusion)

Armando's POV

23:30. 23:32. 23:33. 23:34. 23:35. 23:36. 23:37. 23:38. 23:39.

I slowly watched the clock go by.

Second after second.
Minute after minute.
Hour after hour.

I tore my eyes away from the clock and looked around one of the meeting rooms that was inside of my house. Everyone was fucking here.

I was sitting behind a huge desk.

My father sat to the left of me with tears occasionally dripping down his face, he was resting his head on the table, closing his eyes and breathing in and out. Emberto and Sebastian were next to him, basically in the same position.

Alfonso was to the right of me, pretty much in the same position as my father and my other brother, he often glanced at me, rested his head on my shoulder or just simply stared into space.

Enrique and Elio had left a few hours ago, i have no fucking clue where the fuck they have gone but they left without saying anything to anyone.

Sebastian was in his bedroom, sleeping and crying.

Gabriela had shut herself inside our bedroom, i hadn't even gone to check on her or try and get her to open the door.

Some of the youngest boys were in bed, some sleeping, some crying, some just staring.

Domenico, Marco, Xander, were all sitting on a sofa behind our desk, all barely touching each over.

Esteban was in his bedroom with Xavier, who were both crying hysterically, just wanting their sister to come home.

Angelo had also shut himself away inside of his bedroom. He refused to eat, to talk or even eat anything.

Luke, Levi, Julio, Gianluca, Gianmario, Gianmarco, Landon, Manu, Manuel, Georgio, Anthony, Hudson, Asher, Celio and Celso, Frederico and Damien were all spread out on 3 sofas.

Marino, Jacob and Paulo were all on laptops, sitting on chair searching for literally anything.

Some of the mafia were in the room next to us that was connected by a door, all on computers doing the same as Marino, Jacob and Paulo. There were also some that were driving around, looking to see if they can find anything.

Delia and Dion (Luke and Levi' mom and dad) were also here, Callum (Luke and Levi's little brother) was asleep in Remo's bed.

Gabriela's family was all here, Roberto, Juan, Miguel, Zeus, Jason, Damon and Jason's second-in-command Ajax.

Alejandra, Thalia and Anastasia had gone back to a house nearby that was Zeus' to put Pedro, Pablo, Bruno, Fernando, Nicolas, Hector, Pheonix, Theo, Maximus and Matthew to bed and were coming back in the morning.

The American Mafia were here so was the Portuguese and French. Ryan King sat behind another desk along with his second in command. David was sleeping in Calvino's bedroom, Hudson was in Luigi's, Michael slept in Ryan's arms while he types on his computer. Macario was in Liam's bedroom. Tomas was with Ivano while Tiara was sleeping in her father's arms with a tear-stained face. Leone was sleeping in Thiago's room, Salvio with Julian and Adam slept in Louis' lap.

The Spanish were also here. Adriano and Fernando were sitting behind a desk, typing on computers. Leonardo was in Ariana's arms while Carlos was in Chiara's. Romeo and Roman sat on chairs next to their father's staring at the computers, wanting to find something.

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