Chapter 14

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Gabriela's POV

Feeling a slight weight on top of me, i slowly opened my eyes and looked down.

My little girl. Snoring quietly with her mouth open and drool falling down her chin.

Her face was squished against my boobs, her head turnt to the left, facing her father who was also sleeping, and Amara holding on to his little finger.

Turning to look back at my daughter, noticing her eyes fluttering and then opening, looking up at me and moving her head so she was laying on my chest.

'Buongiorno bambina.'
——(Good morning babygirl)
I whispered quietly to her, not wanting to wake Armando.

'Buongiorno mamma.'
——(Good morning mama)
She muttered back to me.

Suddenly we heard a loud snore from the left of us, making us both turn to look at Armando in disgust as he moved around in his sleep and shuffled down the bed so his head was completely off the pillow, nearly falling in him.

I looked to the table on the side of me and an idea popped into my head, making me smirk and look at my daughter.

Amara also looked at the table and grinned, having the same idea as her mother, she turned to look up at me.

Like mother like daughter.

I reached over and picked up the glass of water, there was only about a mouthful in it so it wouldn't make too much of a mess.

I moved it over and placed it a few inches on top of my husband's face. I turned my hand,  making the water fall to the rim and then on to Armando's face.

Seconds after the water splatted onto his face, Armando started kicking his legs under the blanket and flapping his arms around.

'I'm drowning!! I'm fucking drowni- Gabby!!! Gabby fucking help m-'

At this point i was fucking dying, sounding like a hyena and my daughter doing the same.

Armando then jumped up, standing on top of the bed and stood in a karate position, with his eyes still closed.

I stood up, pulling Amara with me and placing her onto the floor and walked to the end of the bed. I then pulled the blanket that was underneath Armando making his fall onto his back and his eyes shot open.

Oh fuck.

He sat up quickly and looked around, his eyes landing on me and then at Amara, who had just placed my phone onto the table next to the bed and looked at Armando innocently.

'Are you okay daddy?'
She asked with a amused smile on her face, as if she was making fun of him, making me snort and look down.

After a couple of seconds, Armando realized his face was covered in water.

'Did you do this huh? Was it you hm?'
Armando questioned, going towards Amara and scooped her up into his arms and lightly threw her onto the bed and tickled her stomach, making her scream with laughter.

She screamed m and tried reaching out for me, making me walk over there. Instead of me being able to tickle my daughter, i was also pinned to the bed, next to Amara and received the same torture as her.

Amara somehow escaped from Armando's grip and ran straight out of the room, slamming the door and going towards one of her brothers' bedrooms.

Seeing that Amara was now gone, Armando grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head.

'Pensi che sia stato divertente eh?'
——(You think that was funny huh?)
He whispered, leaning down near my ear, making me look into his eyes and a slight smile crawl onto my face.

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