Chapter 67

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Romeo's POV

'Donde estan ellos'
—Spanish—(Where are they?)
Fernando yelled, slamming his fists on the table.

Roman, his father, father and i were currently in one of the cells, torturing the fuck out off a man for betraying us, well he had only given away shipments to some unknown fuckers that we don't know and we know that he is a spy, he just doesn't want to admit that.

'Please......i don't...know'
The man stuttered as blooded covered and dripped down his face making Roman hit him and the man groan in pain.

The last time i spoke to Amara was the night she told me about our sons. The reason being is that she wasn't in school and neither was we and i know she's not gonna want to talk to me after how i reacted. Yes i understand that i should of reacted the way i did but being a 17 year old and finding our i have a son who is probably living with my torturers. Thinking back to it now, i know i fucked up and i should never had blamed it on Amara. If anything i pushed her away instead of the other way around, i don't even think she has spoken to Roman since that night.

After we finished with the man, all four of us drove back to our house in silence.

We all walked into the kitchen, where my mother, Chiara and Davina were talking, however stopped when we came in.

'¿Dónde ha estado Amara recientemente? La extraño un poco caminando por la casa como si fuera suya.'
—Spanish—(Where has Amara been recently? I kinda miss her walking around the house as if it's her own.)
My father explained, laughing with Fernando.

'Ha estado ocupada con su familia, ya sabes, con toda la mafia y todo.'
—Spanish—(She's been busy with her family, you know with all of the mafia and everything)
Roman replied, trying to avoid the question.

'Ugh, extraño mucho a esa chica.'
—Spanish—(Ugh, i miss that girl so much.)
Davina explained, leaning back on the counter while she drank whatever she was drinking.

Before anyone could say anything else, Roman's phone started ringing, causing him to pick it up and answer it quickly.

He voiced, leaning forward onto the island.

'No, no la hemos visto. ¿Se encuentra ella bien?'
—Spanish—(No, we haven't seen her. Is she okay?)
He asked after a few seconds, now sounding concerned as he put the phone on speaker.

'Ella no vino a casa anoche, pensamos que estaba contigo.'
—Spanish—(She didn't come home last night, we thought she was with you.)
Angelo spoke through the phone as things were heard falling over and sounding like he was running somewhere.

'Ella no está ahí.'
—Spanish—(She's not there)
He yelled, opening a door while the talking on the other side of the phone immediately became louder.

'Si ella te contacta, dínoslo.'
—Spanish—(If she contacts you, tell us)
Angelo stayed and put the phone door making us turn to Roman confused.

'¿Amaras desaparecidas?'
—Spanish—(Amaras missing?)
He muttered to himself allowing me to look up at him instantly.

My parents, Roman's parents, Davina, Roman and i all began taking our phones out and making calls to people, checking if they had seen her.

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