Chapter 60

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Amara's POV

Friday 5th April 2021. Officially 3 months since i've been in this house. My family and i are closer than ever and everything is turning...good?

Romeo, Roman and i.... are something. Well i think. No, my dad still doesn't know that i sneak out practically to meet them everyday or every night. Sometimes it's both, sometimes it's just one of them. I've been around their house several times since i first met their families and i'm pretty sure they like me just as much as i like them. Ariana, Chiara, Davina and i have all been out together. I've taken Kelia and Katalia shopping, Adriano and Fernando seem to love me so, all is going well....for now anyways.

However, 2 weeks from now? Yeah, things are gonna go downhill for sure.

My family know there's stuff, well at least something, happened to me before i came home. Luckily, every night i've been here, i've taken meds to keep me sleeping or to at least keep the nightmares away. But before i slept tonight.. it was the only time i had forgotten.


Waking up from my not so good sleep, i groaned as i rolled over on the hard floor and was met with Romeo's face who smiled gently at me and stroked my cheek with the silver chain tickling my face.

All 3 of us were growing up now. We were all 13 years old and Romeo and Roman would be 14 in September then i would follow in November. But there was one thing we wished we could do. Every year on our birthday, we used to wish and pray we would finally escape this place.

3rd August 2017, Day 2,435.

Like normal, i listened out for footsteps coming down the stairs. Today, it was both of them and 3 other guards. The quickness of the steps gave away that it was Leon however the heaviness of the steps signaled that it was Alek.

Hearing them getting closer and closer, the three of us sat up against the concrete wall, our hands and feet chained to the ground.

'Hi little girl'
Alek said in his thick russian accent, his name for me still giving me shivers while i stared at him blankly.

'Ты идешь с нами сегодня.'
—Russian—(Your coming with us today)
He whispered in my ear while injecting me with the needle.

As i became dizzy and everything eventually became fuzzy, i looked to my right where Romeo and Roman were struggling against the chains, attempting to get out of them but failing.

'It's okay'
I muttered and closed my eyes, letting myself fall into the unknown world.


Waking up to a bright light in my eyes, i squinted as my eyes adjusted.

Scanning the room quickly, i realized i was in their hospital room. This hospital room wasn't a normal one though. A normal one would have a comfy bed, TV, maybe a few snacks. No, this one was 4 plain white walls, a metal table screwed down in the middle of the room and a small metal table that had all of their medical instruments on.

'О времени вашего бодрствования. Нам нужно кое-что тебе сказать.'
—Russian—(About time your awake. There's something we need to tell you)
Leon said, grinning evilly at me.

'Твоя беременная девочка.'
—Russian—(Your pregnant little girl)
Alek mumbled in my ear as he appeared on my other side.

This statement made my world stop. Yeah, they've said some fucked up shit to me, done some fucked up shit too. But never, ever, did i think they would say this to me.

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