Chapter 62

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Y'all please i'm saying this once if reading about abuse, losing babies etc makes you feel a certain way. DO NOT READ THIS CHAPTER. But then again, it is kinda a key point in the story.

Amara's POV

'I was pregnant'
I stated as i felt my father's grip on me tighten more than ever.

'Well i've been pregnant twice. But we'll get to that in a minute. So when i was with Alek and Leon, i was put in a sex trafficking ring. I was sold to... people and they would do as they please. I was
13 and Romeo and Roman were 14, it was the year that we were all planning to escape together. We were all separated and were in there for around 3 weeks until Alek and Leon started missing us so he brought us back. But this wasn't just any sex trafficking ring. This was a chinese sex trafficking ring. This whole time, the chinese, germans and russians have all been working together. Yeah, i guess you saw it coming but you know for definite now.'

'What happened when you guys were there?'
My father asked as he held my hand.

'The same that happened with Alek and Leon. They abused us emotionally, mentally, physically and sexually'

I thought for a second. He pretty much knows everything now except from a couple of things. Do i just tell him? Or do i leave it? I'd rather people know because the date is coming up soon so they expect it.. kinda. After a few moments, i spoke up again.

'I was 12 years old. Normally it would be either Leon or Alek every night. If i had Alek, Romeo and Roman would have Leon. If i had Leon, the others would have Alek. They never really did it in front of each over, well they did but that was only for punishments. This one night, i had Leon. Like always, he'd wear protection. I only realized that he didn't wear it after he was finished. That was when i knew that i was pregnant. Throwing up daily. Feeling tired all of the time. Alek and Leon just thought i was sick. You don't know this but when i was younger, i was in the garden at night and i saw a man. He worked with the russians and we talked for a little. He was nice. He was there with us. Akim helped us plan the escape. And he was also the one that brought me a pregnancy test. I think i was around 19 weeks long?'
I voiced, scratching the back of my neck harshly while tears formed in my eyes.

'The bump was pretty easy to hide because i always used to wear an over sized t-shirt but it was becoming harder. I knew i had to tell them but i just didn't know how. So when it was Leon's turn again, that's when i told him. Mid-way through his... sesh, he stopped and stared at me and asked if i was being serious and i said yes. He called Alek in the room and told him then...'
I stopped for a second and took a breathe.

'You got it baby. Your doing amazing'
My dad whispered, also getting tears in his eyes as he pulled my face to turn and look at him, so we was now on the bed sitting face to face as i had my back amazing the headboard.

'They both beat me. Like, more than usual. Mostly aiming for my stomach or around that area. I... i had a miscarriage and as i was losing the baby, they... when i was losing it- they raped me over and over.'
At this point, tears were falling and my breathing became shaky. God this isn't even the worst part.

Unzipping my jacket, showing a few of my scars on my upper body, i showed him the angel wings on my collarbone with the name 'Aurelia' underneath.

'I named her Aurelia. Half of me was upset that i lost her and that i was completely helpless. But the other half was kind of glad. One, i was 12 years old, there was no way in this world that i could provide for her, and two, i didn't want her to be in the kind of conditions that i was in. But that isn't all.'
I muttered, wiping my tears form my face and looking back at him.

'On August 3rd 2017, so a few months before we planned to escape, Alek and Leon had taken me to the room that was away from Romeo and Roman.
Alek told me that i was pregnant, but he seemed... happy about it. Leon told me that i was pregnant with both of their babies but it made me confused. They had taken my eggs, fertilized them and put them back inside of me. I was pregnant with twins. When i went back to the room, the boys both knew that there was something wrong but didn't question it. They still don't know about the first time i was pregnant. When Roman and Romeo left, i was 10 weeks long. I was now pregnant with twins and by myself with two psychotic men who were in love with me.'
I carried on, already beginning to cry at the thought about the next part.

'I gave birth to the twins on April 20th 2018. Valentino and Vincenzo. God i never new i could love something so much. I absolutely adored them two boys. Surprisingly, Leon and Alek let me keep my babies with me, until June 1st. They came in...... forced the babies away from me and-'

I couldn't even finish the sentence before i broke down. Who would've thought, me laying in my father's arms, screaming and crying and the thought of what those men did. My dad hugged me as tight as he could, not letting go once and also letting tears fall freely from his eyes.

'They killed them'
I yelled, clinging to him and sobbing.

Around 10 minutes later, my father and i had calmed down... slightly.

'After they told me that they had killed Valentino and Vincenzo, i escaped. I just.. ran. I found Ares and Ammo and they have been with me ever since. I ended up in the UK and started my life there, meeting new people. I was put in front of an orphanage, where i met Silas and Axel. In the orphanage we were abused and when we were adopted, we were abused. It was a game that you couldn't win.'

'But there was something wrong with my babies. When i birthed them, you would think they would have light features. Alek had blonde hair and blue eyes with pale skin and Leon was the same except he had brown eyes. Well my babies were the opposite. Valentino, he was born first. He weighed 5 pounds and 1 ounce. He has thick, curly, dark hair with honey colored eyes and deep dimples. His lips and nose were the cutest things ever. He has a tiny birthmark under his left eyes that was barely noticeable until you looked closely. Vincenzo, he weighted 4 pounds and 10 ounces. His hair was exactly like his brother's and he had bright green eyes also with deep dimples. I swear, i've never seen a babies' eyelashes so long in my entire life until i saw Vincenzo's. He was more of a loud baby whereas Tino was more of a quiet one. They were the most beautiful baby boys.'
I explained, laughing at the small amount of memories i had with my sons.

'But i knew, there was no way that the babies were Leon's and Alek's. So when Akim came to see me again, i asked him to get a DNA test. The following day, in the early hours of the morning, i did the DNA test on both of my sons and waited for the results. The results came back the next day, turns out... they weren't Leon's and Alek's.'
I spoke, taking deep breathes and looking in my father's eyes so i could say this next part. Who knows how he will react.

'Valentino was Roman's biological son and Vincenzo was Romeo's'


What the fuck is going on?

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