Chapter 47

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Amara's POV


I moved my hand a few inches a away from my face, observing the nail i was just filing.

I was currently sitting in my Calculus class and i was bored out of my fucking head.

I was sitting next to Silas, who had his head on my shoulder while sleeping. Gabriel, Adonis, Michael and Kyrie were sitting in the row in front of us while Ethan, Eliseo, and Axel were sitting behind.

I felt eyes burn into the back of my head. Slowly glancing to the right of me, I saw Romeo and Roman staring at me as well as Roman's brother Mateo and one of their best friends Alejandro. I guess they both told everyone in their little group about me being as i've been getting stares and looks from them the whole week.

Looking at them up and down one last time, i turned my attention back to my hand, beginning to file the next nail.

I heard someone whisper from the side of me.

I turned my head towards the right, slightly in front of me was Diya. She was indian and absolutely gorgeous. I'm calling it now, her and Gabriel will be together in the future. I see the little looks they make at each over.

'What's up babes?'
I asked quietly. Mr Larson, our calculus teacher, didn't really care what we did, as long as we got our work done.

She asked making me grin and nod. Diya put her hand up, making the teacher look at her.

'Can i go to the bathroom?'
She questioned causing Mr Larson to nod in return.

'I forgot something in my locker, can i go and get it please?'
I asked, after a couple of minutes.

He voiced, making me stand up and walk out of the classroom.

I pushed open the door to the girls bathroom as Diya sat on the counter near the sinks.

'They're coming now. We need to talk to you about something'
She spoke, smirking at me.

'Uhh huh. What might that be?'
I asked, sitting opposite Diya on the other sink.

'You'll find out'
Diya explained, amusement laced in her voice.

Several seconds later, 5 other girls pushed open the door, taking their seats around the bathroom.

Tabitha, Zya, Ayra, Letina and Jayla. The 7 of us had become pretty close over the past few days.

'Okay spill, what the is going on with you and Romeo Gomez and Roman Sanchez'
Ayra questioned, making me roll my eyes.

'Nothing. What are you talking about?'
I asked, with a confused expression. Yeah maybe i have had intense eye contact with both of them a couple of times. Maybe 51. Who knows. But nothing more.

'The looks you guys give each over in class, hang in let me re-phrase, the looks they give you in class are beyond nothing.'
Letina said as she looked at me with a grin.

'They don't like anyone, their friends and brothers too. It's like the two of them are completely obsessed with you.'
Tabitha explained, holding her phone up and talking a quick picture, probably sending it to one of the boys she's talking to.

'Your a fucking whore'
I said as i looked at her.

'Girl I know, i'm currently talking to 6 boys and i have 11 boyfriends'
She voiced as it was the most obvious thing ever.

'I bet most of them have girlfriends to huh?'
Zya asked, already knowing what her best friend is like.

'Of course they do, it's more fun that way. Besides, if they wanna fight, i have you. You'll kill them within 5 seconds'
Tabitha spoke, smiling at me.

After a few more minutes of talking, the bell rang for lunch.

'I'll see you guys out there'
I muttered as i slid down from the counter and looked into the mirror. All of the girls nodded, waving bye at me and made their way out of the bathroom.

After applying a little bit of lip balm, i walked out of the bathroom, into the empty corridors and towards the cafeteria.

Just as i was about to turn the corner towards the cafeteria, someone grabbed my waist, pulling me into an empty classroom.

'What the fuck'
I uttered, elbowing the person in the stomach and turning around, ready to throw a punch.

'What the fuck is the matter with you'
I said, pushing Romeo away from me, who smirked me

'Come on pretty girl, don't act like you don't love me'
He replied as he held my hips in a tight grip.

'Let me the fuck go before i cut your fucking tongue out and shove it down your throat so you choke and die'
I murmured making him raise his eyebrows as an amused expression took over his face.

'Still as violent as ever'
He whispered as his face neared to mine.

Just as our faces were inches apart, he was pushed away from me and Roman took his place.

'Hola hermosa'
—Spanish—(Hey beautiful)
He muttered as he stared at my face.

'Hola chico lindo'
—Spanish—(Hi pretty boy)
I replied, smiling at him. Roman has always been my favorite.

'¿Cómo diablos es eso justo?'
—Spanish—(How the fuck is that fair)
I heard someone murmur from the side of us.

'Roman es mi favorito'
—Spanish—(Roman is my favorite)
I said, rolling my eyes.

'Now get the fuck off me'
I voiced, pushing Roman away and turning towards the door.

'Wait, let us explain'
Romeo spoke as he held my hips once again while leaning against the front of a desk while Roman was standing to the left of me.

'What is there to explain? You guys left. My life turned to shit. It happened. It's done. There's nothing that anyone can do to change it'
I explained, looking between the two.

'That's not what happen-'
Roman started before i cut him off.

'Yes it was what happened. You guys just don't want to admit it'
I muttered as i pulled away.

Romeo voiced as he grabbed my hand, turning me around.

'One kiss?'
He asked, making me grab his jaw and move my face towards his.

As our faces were millimeters apart, i tightened my grip on his jaw.

'In your fucking dreams baby'
I uttered, throwing his head to the side as i looked Roman up and down then walked out of the room, heading towards the cafeteria once again.

'What took so long?'
Angelo asked as i sat down next to him.

'I had a headache'
I replied making him give me a weird look but nod.

'You okay though?'
He questioned, making me smile.

'The best'
I grinned as i put my head on his shoulder, holding eye contact with Romeo and Roman as they sat down in their seats on the table that was next to ours.

Why the fuck did they have to be so fucking fine.


I've literally had no energy and i've been so busy, may or may not have got a boyfriend..well kinda🙄 but i did this chapter in like an hour so my bad if there's mistakes😐😐

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