Chapter 50

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Amara's POV

I looked around cautiously.

Hugging the two closer to my chest as they cooed and moved around slightly.

I grabbed the small blanket that he had given me, wrapping it around all 3 of us, making both of them open their eyes and look up at my teary ones.

'I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I love you. I'm so sorry'
I muttered, kissing both of their foreheads as tears fell.

They both held tightly onto the dirty white shirt that i wore, leaning their heads against my chest as i heard the door open.

Hearing footsteps approach us, i circled my arms around both of them, pulling them impossibly closer when suddenly i felt a rough hand grab my arm causing me to pull it back and look up, attempting to put on a brave face.

'Don't fucking touch me'
I voiced, however it coming out raspy being as i hadn't had something to drink for around 2 days.

'Now now little girl. You remember who's in charge'
He taunted while wearing an evil smirk that i despise.

His hands went to the two of them, trying to pull them away from me.

'Please. I'm begging you'
I screamed as tears began to fall once again.


Gasping loudly, i sat up in the bed, holding my neck as i tried controlling my breathing.

My right hand patted the bed desperately, feeling a body next to me and it move slightly.

'Your okay. It's okay. I got you'
I heard someone mutter as they grabbed me and pulled me closer to them while tapping my wrist.

'Just focus on the taps Amara. Your okay'
The voice said, as a faint heartbeat came to one of my senses.

Minutes later, my eyes were closed while my head rested on Angelo's chest who was tapping my wrist every 2 seconds.

'I got you twinny. Your okay'
He muttered, kissing my forehead as he held my head tightly to stop me from moving.

I opened my eyes, looking around as i realized that i was in Angelo's bed, the clock red 5:27am.

After a couple of seconds Angelo spoke up.

'Your past?'
He questioned, playing with the ends of my hair.

Without saying anything, i nodded while i hugged his waist.

'You wanna talk about it?'
He asked in a soft tone. Jeez, who knew Angelo could be like this?

Do i wanna tell him? God not everything, i'll fucking scare him away. Parts? But what parts? How do i even start to explain it? Where do i start from? What if i cry when i talk about it? Who am i kidding, of course i'm gonna fucking cry. Well nobody actually does not everything about me. Axel, Gabriel and Silas know... parts but not everything. Romeo and Roman know the most, but no quite everything. I've never actually spoken or told anyone about a certain subject in my life. It's more.... sensitive i guess you could say. Will people eventually know? Of course. They'll have to know. Will they know any time soon? I fucking hope not.
Their birthday is coming up soon. Part of me wants people to know before then, or at least someone so they know what to expect and when to expect it. But the other part of me is like why should they know? You've dealt with it yourself for the past 2 years so what would change now?

'It's just.... i lost... people... when i was younger. I've never gotten over it'
I explained, in a very simple way.

'You haven't got to tell me, don't worry twinny'
He replied, moving us both so we was back under the blanket with our heads on the pillow.

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