Chapter 25

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Amara's POV

'Cause you know i love the players AND YOU LOVE THE GAME!!'
I screamed at the top of my lungs as i danced in front on my mirror.

It was currently 8:35pm and i was meant to be at a party over an hour ago.

I sat back down in my chair in front of my mirror, adjusting my towel, and began doing my hair again as Taylor Swift played in the background.

Silas, one of my best friends, screamed barging into my dressing room.

'I'll take that as a no'
He muttered, looking away and sitting down on the chair next to where i was.

'Can you hurry the fuck up please?'
He questioned making me turn to him and stare.

'Remember who's holding a curling iron bitch'
I said, rolling my eyes and then turned back to face the mirror, grabbing another piece of hair.

'Babe, we are over an hour late. All of us our downstairs waiting while you scream Taylor fucking Swift songs.'

'Hey!! Disrespect my woman like that again and i will shove this curling iron so far up your ass you will taste the fucking heat. Comprende?'
I said, pointing the tip of the curling iron at him.

'Yes ma'am'
I voiced, quicker than i could blink.

'Anyways, i'm nearly ready. Just gotta get changed then i'm done'
I said, sipping on my drink that was next to me.
Iced coffee and rum precisely. Triple.

'What are you wearing, lemme pick your outfit'
He explained and walked towards my closet.

'I picked already, it's hanging up'
I shouted, unplugging the curling iron and putting it back in its place.

I walked into my closet, grabbing underwear from my drawer and walking towards the hanger that my outfit was on.

'You fucking someone tonight?'
I asked as i began to get change as Silas sat down in a chair.

'Yup, i fucking need it'
He said, going on his phone.

'Same love, same'
I murmured.

'Holy shit'
I heard him utter as i zipped up the back of the dress.

'Can you?'
I asked, gesturing to my back.

'Yeah, come here'
He explained, taking my hand and leading me towards my dressing room again.

He grabbed a makeup brush and the foundation and stared covering my back.

After about 5 minutes he had finished.

'Your stunning you know?'
He said, kissing my temple and putting the brush and foundation back.

'I know, you haven't got to remind me every day'
I explained, rolling my eyes.

'Andddd she's back'
He murmured as he rolled his eyes and began walking towards the door.

'I'll be downstairs'
He shouted to me.

After another 20 minutes, topping up my concealer, mascara, applying lipgloss, spraying perfume and adding my jewelry i made my way downstairs, fiddling with the angel and puzzle piece necklaces i had on, a thing that i did constantly. I don't know who gave them to me but i know i had them since i was a baby.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs with my phone in one hand, drink in the other, everyone turned to look at me.

'Picture time fuckers'
I said, placing my drink on the table.

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