Chapter 53

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Amara's POV

'Responda então.'
—Portuguese—(Answer it then)
Axel muttered, holding my neck in a tight grip while he fucked me from underneath after hearing my phone ring from my nightstand.

I'll fucking go make a cake too then yeah? Fuck me.

I snapped breathlessly through the phone, without looking at the caller ID.

'I'm bored'
I heard a thick spanish accent say, however sounding out of breathe.

'Are you getting fucked?'
I asked, pissed of by him already.

'Correction, i'm fucking someone. I'm a bit bored though'
Romeo voiced, pissing me off even more.

'Teach..... teach her how to fuck someone then'
I spoke, having to pause from how hard Axel was going while he smirked at me.

I hope you choke on my pussy juices.

'Are you fucking someone? Amara, on god i'll hurt them.'
He started, as i heard a change in his tone.

'Absolutely. I'm riding his dick right now'
I yelled, moaning loudly. At least nobody was home.

'Amara, voy a matar a alguien.'
—Spanish—(Amara i'll fucking kill someone)
He spoke, as i heard something begin to clap at a fast pace through the phone.

Get it i guess.

'Esa es una Roma un poco hipócrita, ¿no crees?'
—Spanish—(That's a little hypocritical Romeo, don't you think?)
I taunted, making him let out a frustrated sigh.

'Tu bebé mío. De nadie más.'
—Spanish—(Your mine baby. Nobody else's)
He muttered, letting out a groan.

'¿Y roman?'
—Spanish—(And Roman?)
I questioned, feeling the tightness in my stomach. I know how this sharing situation works.

'Y la mia mi amor'
—Spanish—(And mine, my love)
I heard another voice say from the other end of the phone.

They're both fucking a girl right now? But are telling me that i'm 'theirs'? The logic?

'Que se jodan chicos'
—Spanish—(Fuck you guys)
I replied, ending the call and throwing my phone on the floor.

After Axel and i finished doing our thing, i lied on his chest as we watched the rest of the movie.

'¿Romeo e Roman?'
—Portuguese—(Romeo and Roman?)
He asked, making me turn over so my chest brushed up against his.

'Lembra de quem eu te falei?'
—Portuguese—(Remember who i told you about?)
I said, stroking the side of his face as he nodded.

'Estamos meio que... conversando de novo.'
—Portuguese—(We're kinda like... talking again)
I spoke, staring into his eyes.

'Você está feliz'
—Portuguese—(Your happy?)
He questioned, also stroking my face as i nodded hesitantly.

'Então eu estou feliz, Anjo. Não é como se estivéssemos em um relacionamento.'
—Portuguese—(Then i'm happy angel. It's not like we're in a relationship)
He laughed, as he smiled gently.

'Você vai ficar com eles? Eu preciso lutar contra eles? Ainda vamos foder?'
—Portuguese—(Are you gonna get with them? Do i need to fight them? Are we still gonna fuck?)
He voiced, turning serious causing me to laugh.

'bebê eu não sei. Mas se não vamos foder por muito mais tempo, talvez devêssemos usar o tempo que temos.'
—Portuguese—(Baby i don't know. But if we aren't gonna fuck for that much longer, maybe we should use the time we have)
I explained, raising my eyebrows as he smirked and pulled me closer.


(⬆️ Amara's Outfit)

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(⬆️ Amara's Outfit)

I think my family may have given up with me and my lateness, except Angelo. Angelo is bestie.

I strolled downstairs, chewing on a piece of mint gum and popping a bubble as my twin came into view.

As he walked past the staircase, i jumped on his back, clinging to his neck and hugging him tightly.

'To the car we go'
I shouted, making him shake his head while chuckling.

I sat in the driver's seat while Angelo sat next to me, connecting his phone to my car and beginning to play music as i made my way towards the nearest starbucks, seeing as i didn't sleep last night. Whoops?

'Did you know, alongside water and tea, coffee is one of the most popular drinks worldwide with over 400 billion cups of it being consumed each year. Britain alone consumes approximately 2.8 kilos of coffee per person.'
I stated as we walked in through the hallway of the school, towards our calculus class being as it was 2nd period.

'That's crazy. What's the weirdest fact you know?'
He asked, as he sipped his coffee while looking intrigued in this conversation.

'Fact on what? Humans? The world? Animals? Space? The sea?'
I replied, turning a corner, smiling at my favorite teacher as she came into view.

'Hmmm.... the sea. Isn't there only like 5% of the ocean that has actually be explored or something like that?'
He voiced, making me nod.

'Mhm, oceans have an average depth of 12,100 feet, and because light waves can only penetrate 330 feet of water, everything below that point is dark. Seeing as water makes up most of the planet, this means that most of Earth exists in absolute darkness all the time.'
I said, while opening the door of our class, making everyone look at us. I hate this part.

'Why are you guys so late?'
Mr Larson asked, meh he was an okay teacher.

'Woke up late'
Angelo explained, walking past him while holding onto my arm.

'Tardy slip?'
He asked making my eyebrow furrow.

'A whata?'
I questioned, turning around.

'Your british, you won't know what it is'
My twin spoke, pushing me down into the seat that was next to him as i looked around the class. Ethan, Eliseo, Adonis, Michael, Kyrie, Gabriel, Silas, Axel and Romeo, Roman, Leonardo (Romeo's younger brother) and Mateo (Roman's younger brother) were all in this class.

I looked over at Romeo and Roman only to find them both glaring at me as if i had just killed their parents. Who the fuck? I raised my eyebrows at them resulting in Romeo turning around and Roman mouth for me to meet them in the bathroom.

So we bout to fuck or what?

Rolling my eyes, i put my hand up.

'Can i go to the bathroom please?'
I asked, making the teacher nod his head without looking up. Rude hoe.

Walking in the bathroom, i pulled out my phone as i sat down on the counter. At least nobody is in here.

Around 3 minutes later, the doors burst open and i heard footsteps coming towards me.

Oh boy, here we go.


Bro i'm so fucking tired it's unbelievable.

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