Chapter 16

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Gabriela POV

A few minutes after Amara had jumped off of Armando's lap and ran towards the foyer, the doors to the dining room opened.

'Okay baby, now where's my daughter?'
My dad asked as my younger brother walked in behind him with Amara in his arms, looking around the room and then his eyes landing on me.

Seeing his face made me literally jump out of my seat and into his arms.

What can i say? I've always been a daddy's girl.

'We missed you cupcake'
My father muttered, using the nickname he had been using since i was 2.

'I missed you too'
I murmured, finally pulling away and looking towards both of my sister-in-laws.

I shouted, hugging the life out of the 2 of them.

'We missed you to bitch, you look so good'
They both said, letting go of me and holding me so they could look at me.

After everyone greeted my family we all ended up in the living room, with Amara on my brother's lap, chatting away.

Gabriela's Family

Roberto Colombo
Gabriela's father
Amara's grandfather
53 years old
Has 2 sons and 1 daughter

Juliana Colombo
Gabriela's mother
Amara's grandmother
53 years old
Has 2 sons and 1 daughter

Juan Colombo
Gabriela's younger brother
Amara's uncle
31 years old
Has 3 sons

Alejandra Colombo
Juan's wife
Amara's aunt
31 years old
Has 3 sons

Pedro & Pablo Colombo
Juan and Alejandra's sons
Amara's cousins
12 years old

Bruno Colombo
Juan and Alejandra's son
Amara's cousin
9 years old

Miguel Colombo
Gabriela's younger brother
Amara's uncle
30 years old
Has 2 sons

Thalia Colombo
Miguel's wife
Amara's aunt
30 years old
Has 2 sons

Fernando Colombo
Miguel and Thalia's son
Amara's cousin
11 years old

Nicolas Colombo
Miguel and Thalia's son
Amara's cousin
9 years old

Miguel's wife, Thalia, is the Greek Mafia Princess. All of the family know and before you guys ask she isn't one of them people who get information from the Italian Mafia and gives it to the Greek. The Italians and Greek are allies and 100% support Miguel's and Thalia's relationship.

Lykaios Family (Greek Mafia)

Zeus Lykaios
Thalia's Father and the Former Mafia Leader
56 years old
Has 2 sons and 1 daughter

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