Chapter 72

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Amara's POV

'You stay with me at all times. I don't care if you can fight or if you can kill in seconds, you stay with me.'
He explained, making me roll my eyes and agree.

We both walked into the clubs, receiving looks from strangers while we walked towards near the back of the club where a small door was.

The man looked at Xander and smirked. He was what.. mid 20s? Pretty good looking.

The man nodded while glancing at me, up and down.

'Look away unless you want me to poke your eyes out with my knife'
Xander said, shouting over the music while the man's eyes widened only slightly, already knowing that he wasn't joking.

'This? Amara?'
The man stuttered as i felt Xander nod behind me.

'Damn girl. I've heard a lot of about you'

After the three of us talking for a couple of minutes, he stepped aside and a dark staircase into view.

Adrenaline filled up inside of me as the music from upstairs died out and the sound of screaming and shouting filled my ears.

Instead of going towards the door where the screaming and shouting was coming from, Xander turned my shoulders, making me go right and down another hallway.

As the door in front of me began to open, the both of us walked into what looked like a changing room.

'This club, is all boys. There's a girls club next door but they fight like girls, you know pulling hair all that shit. Which is why i bought you here. If you wanna fight a girl, tell me. If you wanna fight a boy, tell me. This changing room is only for regulars. There's another changing room on the other side of the room for the opponents. Everyone here will treat you with respect as they know our family, if they don't, tell me'
Xander said as we walked down the middle of everyone, towards a room that was on the right.

We both walked into the smaller changing room, it just being the two of us and i sat down on the bench.

'Boy or girl?'

I replied, moving my eyes to him as he walked to the closed door, opened it slightly, whispered something to the man outside and closed the door again.

'Our there, you will be treated like Black Rose. In here, you will be treated like Amara Bianchi. You fight, until you can't no more'
He explained, bending down in front of me as i wrapped my hands.

'Do the others know i'm here?'
I questioned, allowing him to shake his head and smirk.

'They will get the shock of their lives when they see you out there'
He laughed, standing up again.

'It's Xavier, Raul, Javier, Emanuel, Ethan, Alexander, Julian, Rico, Christian, Manuel, Kyran, Korey, Kyrie, Theo, Isaiah, Jordan, Tomas, Tiara, Silas, Gabriel and Axel out there'
He carried on as i stood up and began sparring with him.

'People found out that your here. When i say your i mean 'Black Rose'. They're going fucking crazy Amara'
He voiced, making me smile inside.

After a while, we stopped and began getting ready, we both stood at the door and he turned to me.

'The mask goes on, remember, your treated as if you her. Nobody knows your her.'

'Yes Xander, i know'
I replied, rolling my eyes and opening the door, causing everyone in that room to turn to look at us.

Xander and i walked towards the door that led to the ring and stood there.

We turned to each other as the adrenaline once again doubled up inside of me while the referee, called my opponents name.

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