Chapter 20

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Armando's POV

Coming home from work at 6pm was not exciting.

Especially when you walk through the door to screaming kids. Xander and Xavier fighting again. Obviously.

Esteban said from the side of me, everyone was in the living room after we ate, waiting for the others to come home.

'Sì figlio?'
——(Yeah son?)
I replied, turning to him while adjusting a sleeping Angelo in my lap making him groan.

'Quando torna a casa Amara?'
——(When is Amara coming home?)
He questioned, leaning his head on my shoulder, sighing.

'Torneranno presto a casa, figliolo, non preoccuparti'
——(They will be home soon son, don't worry)
I explained putting my head on top of his.

I heard Elio shout as he ran inside the living room and pulled me up and began trying to pull me out of the room.

'The fuck you doing'
I voiced, putting Angelo down onto the sofa gently, next to Domenico who was busy on his phone and walked out of the room.

Elio didn't say anything, instead he pulled me straight to the kitchen where Emberto, Enrique and Jacob were, looking concerned.

Before i could ask anything i heard something smash, i looked at my older brother realizing that he was on the phone to someone.

I frowned and made a confused face, then i heard somebody mutter a small 'Help' before the line cut off.

I asked quietly, looking at my brothers, still with a confused expression causing them to nod their heads.

'Let's fucking go then'
I voiced, already walking out of the room, checking for my gun and pulling out my phone calling some of the guards to drive to where my wife and daughter were.

'Watch the fucking kids Nico'
I shouted, shutting the door behind me and running to the car and sitting in the drivers seat with Enrique, Emberto, Alfonso, Marino, Paulo and Jacob following closely behind, sitting in the back.

'What the fuck happened?'
Alfonso asked, looking at me and then towards Emberto.

'Something happened to the girls and Seb'
Emberto muttered, scared for what he was going to find when he arrived at the location we was heading too.

Luckily we had trackers on the cars, otherwise we would've had no fucking clue where the fuck they actually were.

After going way over the speed limit, we finally got to where the trackers said they were and stepped out of the car, looking around. The guards had just arrived, also running to look to see where the cars were when one of the shouted that they could see something.

Making out way over there, we saw the guards that the girls and Seb were with trying to reach for something inside of a flipped over car.

I looked over to the side and saw my wife and the others standing there and looking at us, some with a scared expression and some with tears down their faces.

That's when i noticed.

My little girl was no where in sight.

Looking over at my brothers and seeing that they had noticed the same thing as me, we all ran over to the car, some bending down to look inside and some already pushing it.

'What the fuck is this? Where the fuck is my daughter? Is she inside?'
I shouted, pushing the car looking at the guards who had a few cuts on their faces, hands, arms and neck.

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