Chapter 51

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Amara's POV

'Non me ne frega un cazzo. Mettili in ordine.'
——(I don't give a fuck. Get them sorted)
I heard Domenico shout as i walked into his office without knocking.

I asked as he put the phone down making him open his arms while still sitting down.

Yeah, we're practically besties now.

'You really need to learn how to knock'
He said, as i sat down in his lap and wrapped my arms around his waist as one of his hands went around my shoulders and the other over my waist.

'Meh. If your fucking someone i'm sure i'll hear'
I replied, looking at his computer and seeing him writing an e-mail.

'It's fucking Saturday coco. Chill'
I muttered, resting my head on his shoulder and causing him to sigh.

'If anyone wants to say anything about that. I'll fight them. And tell them that'
I carried on, closing my eyes.

'Don't you dare go to sleep'
He voiced, making me lift my head up and glare at him.

'Movies, remember?'
He questioned, making me groan and rest my head back down.

'Ugh fuck that'
I whispered as he smacked the back of my head.


'Suck my fucking dick you pussy eating little bitch'
I yelled, staring at him in the eye and smiling innocently.

'You can't scold me. Part of that statement is true. Your a little bitch and you eat pussy, unless your gay of course.'
I explained.

'Very much straight thanks'
He spoke, switching off his computer and tapping my thigh, gesturing me to get up.

'Unfortunately, i fell down the stairs. My legs are useless at the minute'
I said, leaning my head back down and shutting my eyes.

'Did you know, the fall death rate is 64 deaths per 100,000 older adults. Fall death rates among adults age 65 and older increased about 30% from the years 2009 to 2018. However, on average 153,000 people die everyday but around double that number are born everyday. When someone dies his or her's hearing is the last sense to go.'
I explained as he carried me downstairs.

'Are you planning to kill someone?'
He asked, walking into the cinema room where all of my brothers were.

'I kill for a living big brother'
I replied, rolling my eyes as he sat down with me in between his legs.

I looked along our row, being as we were at the back in the corner there was only 8 seats where we was sitting. Just enough for Nico, his friends and i.

'Hi Lukey'
I whispered, leaning over and smiling innocently at him.

He nodded, flicking his eyes down to my chest and then back up again. Thank the lord i wore a crop top today.

'Hi Vivi'
I shouted, waving dramatically, making him smile at me in amusement.

I nodded making him shake his head.

He replied, glaring playfully at me.


I added making him throw his head back in annoyance. I love these boys. Especially a certain 2. They all came over a couple of days ago, waiting for Nico to get home from work, so of course i entertained them.

Leaning even more over Domenico so i was laying on my stomach, the bottom of my thighs resting on his legs, my lower abdomen laying on Luke's leg and my elbows resting on Levi's thigh, supporting my head.

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