Chapter 68

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Roman's POV

2 weeks later..

'Where the fuck did they go?'
Domenico whispered, staring at the a street camera of the car that Amara was kidnapped in. After her kidnapping, when they were driving, it was as if they disappeared after 5 minutes.

The car came to the end of South Street, the rod that was connected to the park where Amara was and from then on, the car completely disappeared so for us now, it's a guessing game.

Everyone, and i mean everyone is currently looking for her. Her family's mafia and they're allies, our mafia and our allies, friends and family.

'Who knows'
Marco whispered, staring at the now blank screen with the hope draining slowly out of his eyes.

We discussed further about our plan and what the fuck we were gonna do and i eventually left. Romeo has been no where in sight since he found out that Amara was gone. No he's not missing, he comes home in the early hours of the morning, stays for maybe an hour or 2 max and then leaves.

Her family... they're okay at the minute. Of course they miss her an unreal amount, just like very one else, but they still have hope and that isn't leaving anytime soon, it's Amara, she will work it out even if we don't.

The past 2 weeks have been crazy though. From everything happening with Amara, Romeo and i to Amara disappearing, finding out about Valentino and Vincenzo, plus dealing with normal mafia and business stuff, it's been so exhausting.

And no, mine and Romeo's family still don't know about our sons. We're.. we'll i'm planning on telling them when we get Amara back so that she's there with us and she can explain it more because we don't know the full story.

Throwing my keys on the kitchen counter, i walked towards the island and sat on one of the chairs, resting my arms on there.

After a few minutes of silence i heard the front door slam open and things smash. My first guess is Romeo, this is new.

Seconds later, i heard heavy footsteps making their way down the stairs and a booming voice echoed through the walls of the house. Nobody wants and angry spanish father in the house.

'¿Qué carajo te pasa?'
—Spanish—(What the fuck is wrong with you?)
I heard Adriano scream. That is one side you don't want to see of Adriano or my father, fuck that.

'Quítate de encima de mí'
—Spanish—(Get the fuck off me)
Romeo yelled, as i heard a smack. Romeos getting his ass beat.

'Cuida tu maldita boca.'
—Spanish—(Watch your fucking mouth)
His father voiced, scaring me. I'll pray for Romeo.

Hearing multiple footsteps make their way down the stairs, i decided to get up and see what was going on.

'Sube Ariana.'
—Spanish—(Go upstairs Ariana)
Adriano said as he held a crying but mad Romeo up against the wall.

—Spanish—(Get off him)
My father muttered, attempting to pull Adriano away.

'¿Qué y dejar que joda la casa aún más?'
—Spanish—(What and let him fuck up the house even more?)
He argued, pushing Romeo even more.

See one thing about Romeo, anything could make him mad. The smallest thing. From someone breathing weirdly to someone shooting him, when he's mad, he's mad and there's nobody to calm him down except Amara. Romeo is practically unstoppable when he's angry, he could kill anyone or anything.

With Romeo trying even harder to get his dad off him, now basically punching him, Romeo muttered something that made everyone go silent.

'Sé dónde están.'
—Spanish—(I know where they are)

'¿Qué? ¿Quién?'
—Spanish—(What? Who?)
Carlos questioned, as he stood next to Mateo and Leonardo.

Without saying anything, Romeo looked at me with worry and concern in his eyes while his father, loosened his hold. Seeing this, i automatically knew what he was talking about.

'Lo dejó ir.'
—Spanish—(Let him go)
I mumbled, walking towards Romeo and Adriano who stepped back while Romeo leaned his back against the wall behind him.

'Quienes son ellos'
—Spanish—(Who's they?)
My father asked, making Romeo and i look at each other and at our family.

'Tú explicas.'
—Spanish—(You explain)
Romeo spoke, looking away.

'Alguien jodidamente explique.'
—Spanish—(Someone fucking explain)
Ariana explained, becoming pissed off.

I pulled Romeo up and began walking towards the living room, sitting down with him next to me and everyone around us.

Mateo questioned, confused with the situation.

'tenemos hijos'
—Spanish—(We have kids)
I mumbled, leaning back.

Everyone stared at us with their mouths slightly apart, waiting for me to say something else.

'Por favor, di que están con Amara.'
—Spanish—(Please say it's with Amara)
I heard a female voice whisper, sounding hopeful.

Then i began telling our family what happened with Valentino and Vincenzo. By the end of it, my mother and Romeo's mother had tears down their faces, our fathers looked as though they wanted to kill someone and our brothers still looked confused.

'somos tios?'
—Spanish—(We're uncles?)
Carlos questioned to himself making Leonardo smack the back of his head.

'Cosas más importantes en las que pensar.'
—Spanish—(Bigger things to think about)
Mateo stated, rolling his eyes.

'¿Qué quieres decir con que sabes dónde están?'
—Spanish—(What do you mean you know where they are?)
Ariana asked as everyone turned their attention back to Romeo.

'Bueno, técnicamente no lo sé... pero es mejor simplemente ir y mirar en lugar de adivinar.'
—Spanish—(Well technically i dont know.. but it's better to just go and look instead of guessing.)
He explained making us all sigh.

'Esta es la mafia rusa de la que estamos hablando.'
—Spanish—(This is the russian mafia we're talking about)
My father replied, putting his head in his hands.

'Sí, pero con nuestra mafia, nuestros aliados y la mafia de Amara y sus aliados, podemos vencerlos fácilmente.'
—Spanish—(Yes, but with our mafia, our allies, and Amara's mafia and their allies, we can easily beat them.)
Romeo started again, making us all look at each other.

'Es una trampa mortal Romeo. Estamos pidiendo asesinato. Pero por mis nietos, lo haremos.'
—Spanish—(It's a death trap Romeo. We're asking for murder. But for my granchildren, we'll do it.)
Adriano spoke, him not lying.

'Pero primero encontramos a Amara. Luego los buscamos. Ustedes saben que ella será de gran ayuda.'
—Spanish—(But first we find Amara. Then we look for them. You guys know that she will be a massive help.)
My father said, while all of us nodded.

Fuck me this is going to be a long journey.


Honestly atm who know what the fuck is going on in my life🤲

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