Chapter 41

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Amara's POV

At that point, i realized everyone was staring again including the people that were sitting on the table to the left and right of us.

'They're the atheletes, jocks and cheerleaders'
Angelo spoke, taking one of my oreos.

'They are okay but quite annoying except from these 2 boys and 3 girls. One of the boys are captain of the soccer team, that's Kade, and then co-captain is Joshua. Then with the girls one is the co-captain of the cheer squad, Danielle, and her two minions who are in the squad, Savanna and Michelle. They are the ones on them boys' laps.'
He explained as he looked towards the table to the left of us where Jazmine was while talking about the 2 boys but then turned his eyes towards the table on the table on the right side as he spoke about these 3 girls.

'Jaxon, Hunter, Emanuel and Kyran are on the soccer team. Xavier is the captain of the basketball team and Raul is the co-captain. Javier, Adonis, Isaiah, Jordan and Korey are all of the basketball team. I'm the co-captain of the football team and Ivano, Alvaro, Jason, Theo and Kyrie are also on the football team. So yeah, busy family.'

'The girl that's with Jazmine is her girlfriend, Vanessa, who is also on the cheer squad and pretty much all of the girls over there are too. The table to our right however, we don't talk to any of them for....reasons'

I whispered.

My eyes slowly looked around the whole table and the to the right of me where Angelo sat, who was grinning widely at me without saying anything.

'Please stop'
I muttered, giving him a weird look.

He whispered and carried on smiling.

I shook my head in amusement, taking a glance at him.

'Your weird as fuck bro'
I explained, as my eyes caught a glimpse of the people who were sitting on the table to the right of us making my heart stop.

My breathing started to pick up as i held eye contact with one of them and then moved to the other. They had been staring at me this whole fucking time and i didn't know?

'Come here'
Axel said from beside me, turning me around in my chair so my back was facing them as he wrapped his arms around me.

'You wanna leave?'
He muttered while i tried blinking my tears away and calm my breathing down.

'Is anyone looking?'
I whispered, making him shake his head.

'No angel'
He replied, rubbing my back.

'I'm okay'
I murmured, taking a deep breathe and pulling away.

Everyone was in their own conversations except Silas, Gabriel and Angelo, who were all looking at me with concern written on their faces.

I smiled at Silas and Gabriel, reassuring them that i was okay then turned to i was sitting normally in my seat and leaned my weight on Angelo, hugging his arm.

'Are you okay?'
He questioned quietly, making me nod.

'Yeah, just thought about something'
I replied, smiling up at him as i grabbed my phone.



Did you know that crying helps your eye lashes grow? ~ Amara

Aren't you mean to be in school? ~ Marco

Yup. But i'm bored🤜 STAY CRYING MY FRIENDS😩 ~ Amara

Go to your lessons ~ Marco

Fuck you xoxo ~ Amara


I looked at the time, 12:30, we still have 40 minutes until the end of lunch and i'm fucking bored.

'Do you wanna blow something up?'
I said out of no where, making the whole table go silent.

'I love this girl so much'
I heard a few whisper.

'Who wouldn't'
I said, rolling my eyes, catching a glimpse of them who still had their eyes fixed on me however had girls on their laps? Fucking man whores.

Fight someone Rose.

Well shit okay then. Now... who to pick.

I glanced around the whole cafeteria, peoples eyes were flickering to me and then back to the people they were sitting with.

My eyes trailed the the table to the right of me and landed on the girl in one of their laps. I feel like her voice is annoying. You know when you look at someone and just think shut the fuck up because they look so annoying? No hate though.

I stood up from my seat, receiving looks from everyone around me while they pushed the girls that were sitting in their laps off of them and become alert.

I strutted towards their table, walking behind them as their hole table eyed me down. Purposely, i stared at the boys, irritating the 3 girls that sat on the table.

I then went between 2 of the boys from psychology and leant on the table, facing the boy that called me hot that was opposite Romeo and Roman.

'Mind if i get your number?'
I asked, smiling at him as he smirked and looked towards Romeo and Roman quickly then back to me.

'Fuck yeah'
He replied, grabbing his phone and handing it to me.

While putting my number onto his phone, i glanced up at Romeo and Roman, only to find them glaring at me and the boy. I held eye contact with them and smirked.

'I'll text you later'
I said as i maintain eye contact with the 2.

'Stop looking at my boyfriend'
I heard a voice say, making me flick my eyes to the left.

'Which ones your boyfriend?'
I questioned, placing my palms on the table and leaning in front of her face.

Without saying anything, she looked quickly at Romeo and Roman, trying to make it discreet but failing majorly.

I hummed as i walked around the table so i was on their side, their eyes never leaving me.

Was i really about to do this? Fuck yeah.


What the fuck is she about to do??🧑‍🎤

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