Chapter 12

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Gabriela's POV

'And then you put them together like this... and then it's done Ria'
Amara explained as she connected the last piece of the puzzle we had been trying to complete for the past god knows how long.

Smart ass bitch.

'Well done darling, you did good'
Maria said to her, picking her up and then leaning on the floor on her back, with Amara on top of her, who was giggling.

'Love are you gonna eat your food?'
I asked her, looking to the pizza we made and back to my little girl.

'No mama'
She replied crossing her arms and giving me a look.

This motherfucker.

I said warningly with a slight glare.

'But mamaaaa, i want to see daddy'
She dragged on and plopped down onto Maria's chest.

'Soon baby, i need you to eat now, you have barely eaten today'
I tried to say to her, but instead she turned her head to the other side so she wasn't facing me, causing me to let out a loud sigh.

I voiced but nothing.

'You need to eat'
I carried on but still getting nothing back.

'I'll let you see him if you eat'
I said, knowing that there was no other way. She turned her head, still keeping her place on Maria's chest and looked at me with an innocent face.

She muttered quietly.

'I promise bub'
I replied after a few seconds.

I really didn't wanna see that mans fucking face.
But then again Amara has no idea what's going on and i can't keep him from seeing her, she's been asking for him for the past 3 days none stop, crying included, and so has he. Maria, Mia, Natalia and Camila also didn't want to see their husbands either and it wasn't because of the drinking and smoking, they were more pissed off about the fact that they were doing what they were doing and then wanted to see Amara when they all got home. Like fuck was they.

They all argued with their men and Camila, Amara and i slept in one of the guest rooms and Maria slept in Hunter's bedroom, Mia slept in Alvaro's bedroom and Natalia slept in Milo's bedroom. The next morning before everyone woke up, we packed a bag and went to a house nearby, we bought a few years back so just us girls knew about it. Nobody new where we was and we were fine with that.

Don't get me wrong us women went back to the house daily to see our kids but we never took Amara, she stayed at the house with the maids and guards, they all loved her. Everyone there did.
Or she would go and stay with a close friend of ours, Alejandro and Zeke or Ale and Keke as Amara likes to call them. All of us had known them since high school, Ale and Keke had been together since then too. They were obviously unable to have kids so they pretty much pretended Amara wad their own daughter.

'Are you gonna let him see her?'
Natalia muttered to me so Mara was unable to hear as she ate her pizza.

'Yeah, i saw him this morning and said i was gonna talk to him tonight. I was gonna bring her back then but i guess it's gonna be happening earlier now'
I explained to her.

As Amara are her food all she spoke about seeing her father, grandfather and uncles the whole time and how she had been wanting to go to his office for a long time.

After she was finished eating the other women left to go back to the house while i took Amara with me to get her ready.

After she was finished eating the other women left to go back to the house while i took Amara with me to get her ready

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