Chapter 52

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Romeo's POV

Amara Bianchi. Amara fucking Bianchi.

She could run me over, and i'd apologize.

There's just something about her that i'm so in love with and i don't fucking know what it is.

'Get out'
I muttered to the girl that was next to me, rolling over to face the window.

'Ugh..your not gonna see me out?'
She said, making me roll my eyes.

That was enough for her to grab her shit and leave. I don't know why girls expect more from me. We fuck, you leave, finished. Nothing more, nothing less.

'ella estaba caliente'
—Spanish—(She was hot)
Roman voiced, walking in the bedroom and flipping onto the sofa opposite my bed.

'Amara es mejor'
—Spanish—(Amara's better)
He spoke, causing me to silently agree with him. Nobody is better than her.

Without saying anything, i stood up, put on a pair of boxers that were next to my bed and walked towards my door.

'A dónde vas'
—Spanish—(Where you going)
He asked, moving his attention away from his phone.

'tengo hambre'
—Spanish—(I'm hungry)
I replied, making my way downstairs and into the kitchen where our family was, except our fathers, and him eventually following.

'Hola bebé'
—Spanish—(Hi baby)
My mother said, kissing my cheek, doing the same to Roman's and Chiara's doing the same.

My mom then placed Emilio in my arms, making him cuddle into me more and hold onto my neck tighter.

'¿Estás bien?'
—Spanish—(You okay?)
I whispered, making him hum tiredly.

'cuando la veo?'
—Spanish—(When i see her?)
He asked, referring to Amara. This boy means the world to me. In a way, he kinda saved me as when i came home from that place in October, he was then born the following May. Since he was a baby, i've always been his favorite, of course he loves his other siblings aswell and i too but he's completely obsessed with the thought of Amara, all of our family our.

'Ponte algo de ropa.'
—Spanish—(Put some clothes on)
Carlos, Roman's older brother,  said as i walked past.

'Eres celoso de que no tienes un cuerpo como yo.'
—Spanish—(You just jealous that you haven't got a body like me)
I taunted making him roll his eyes. This house is like a big fucking family.

'Tú también estás en boxers, cállate la boca.'
—Spanish—(Your in boxers too, shut the fuck up)
I carried in,  earning a slap on the back of the head from my second mom.

'Ahhhh, Lo siento ma.'
—Spanish—(Ahhhh, sorry ma)
I voiced, looking at Chiara.

After getting some watermelon from the fridge, i sat on one of the chairs with Emilio still in my lap while everyone was in their own conversations.

A few seconds later, my phone rang.

I murmured, holding the phone to my ear, without looking at the caller ID.

'Well that's a nice way to greet your favorite girl'
I heard her voice say however it coming out breathless.

I questioned, making everyone in the room go silent.

'Facetime me bitch'
She shouted as i clicked on the facetime button on my screen.

'Awwww, i missed you Rome'
She dragged on as her face came into view, making me raise my eyebrows.

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