Chapter 45

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Domenico's POV

'Our stock value has increased by 6.1% over the last financial year, thanks to the money we saved in packaging and the increased costs of our prod-'

The financial analyst stopped as he was interrupted by a phone buzzing. He turned around, glaring at the culprit, immediately regretting it. Marco looked up from his phone, glaring back at the man who visibly started shaking more than he was before.

We were all currently in a meeting at the office, by all i mean the eldest cousins, my father, grandfather, uncles and people from our mafia.

I peeked over Marco's shoulder, looking down at his phone only to find him messaging our little sister. Jealousy immediate overtook over me.

'A chi stai messaggiando?'
——(Who you messaging?)
I said, making him look up with a small smile on his face.

'La nostra sorellina.'
——(Our baby sister)
He replied, making me nod.

Several minutes later, i stood from my seat making everyone turn their attention towards me and walked out of the room, bored out of my fucking mind.

Throwing down my grey suit jacket onto my table, i sat down in my office chair, leaning my head back and sighing. My thoughts drifted off to my little sister. So cold yet, so.. loving? She could be the most playful and caring person one minute then the most angriest and sarcastic the next, and god does she had a temper on her.

My eyes trailed towards the picture that was on my desk of Amara and i. It was the first day bringing her home after she was born, i held her in my arms while sitting on the sofa in the living room, smiling gently down at her. November 5th 2004. One of the best days of my fucking life.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Julio barging into my office.

'Dobbiamo andare. Qualcosa su Amara.'
——(We need to go. Something about Amara)
He voiced, making me immediately stand up, grab my jacket and run out of the room towards my car where Gianluca, Giorgio, Calvino, Landon and Esteban were.

Sitting in the drivers seat of the car, i sped off as Gianluca, Calvino and Landon made their way to the car behind us, doing the same.

'Vai dritto a casa . Stanno tornando.'
——(Go straight home. They're on their way back)
Esteban said, looking in the mirror at me.

Pulling up at the house, all of us jumped out and speedily walked through the door. None of the cars were here yet so she clearly wasn't home.

'Cosa le è successo?'
——(What happened to her?)
I questioned Marco who was to the left of me as the front door opened.

Marco, Esteban and i turned our attention in that direction only to see our baby sister stroll in the house, completely unbothered.

'Oh princess'
Marco said as he walked towards her, extending his arms out to her in which she accepted.

'I'm fine marky'
She muttered, already knowing that he was silently worrying about her.

'' you okay?''
Esteban voiced, as Marco and Amara pulled away from each over. He's never been the most confident person however since his little sister has come back, there's definitely a difference.

'I'm okay Este'
She replied, making his eyes light up at the nickname she used to call him when she was younger.

She uttered as she looked towards me. As we made eye contact she immediately screamed,

And began walking that direction. Marco and Esteban both looked towards me, smirking.

'È ancora la ragazzina nervosa che ricordo.'
——(Shes still the nervous little girl i remember)
Esteban spoke, grinning while looking in the direction that she walked in, making Marco and i smile at him, silently agreeing.

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