Chapter 21

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Armando's POV

6 weeks after the crash..

Slowly opening my eyes, allowing them to adjust to the light of the sun shining through the curtains, i look down at my little girl who was pulled into my side, drooling slightly with her face pushed against my chest and Gabriela hugging her from behind.

Amara had been sleeping with Gabriela and i since pretty much after the accident. The first week after her surgery she had to stay in the hospital, just so they could check that everything was fine. The first night when she was out of the hospital, nobody wanted to leave Amara so we all slept in the living room. Bad idea. There were pillows, blankets and mattresses everywhere. Everyone was sleeping on top of each over while my daughter and i were sleeping comfortably on the sofa. After 3 days of doing that, we had all had enough and decided it would be better to sleep in our own beds and anyone could come and check on her at any point. Amara had been sleeping in our bed since then, the first week, all 3 of us barely got any sleep. But after the injuries started to heal, it did eventually get better.

The past few weeks have been fucking crazy. After what happened with the crash, we decided to move the Mafia Ball to a later date, it now being on the 2nd of December, which allowed Amara's injuries to heal.

I moved my eyes to the clock in the corner of the room. 9:40am.

It was currently the 1st of December, meaning that the ball was tomorrow. It was at a private house, around 30 minutes away from where we lived.

All of the mafias were going to be there, allies and enemies. But there was a few rules at this ball. One of the being that there was strictly no violence at all. Yes, we could being a few weapons, in case the worst happened, but nobody could bring more than 2 weapons.

But who follows rules? Not me.

I'm going to take around 6 knives all together, a few being in my shoes and a few being underneath my shirt and in my blazer. 4 guns. A couple in my socks and again some under my shirt.

Anything could happen at things like this.

Especially with all of the Mafia's meeting my little girl for the first time, you can never be too careful.

Hearing a soft groan coming from the side of me, i moved my eyes to the right of me and saw that my wife was slowly waking up.

She opened her eyes and looked up at me, smiling gently and cuddling more into the back of Amara.

'Da quanto tempo sei sveglio?'
——(How long have you been awake?)
She asked with her eyes closed as he head rested on the back of Amara's neck.

'Non molto amore'
——(Not long love)
I said, turning on my side and moving down the bed so i was under the blanket more.

I slowly stroked Gabriela's cheek, making her sigh and pull the blanket up to her neck.

We both stared at the small cut on Amara's face. Just above her lip. It was definitely going to scar as it was such a deep cut.

Luckily her ankle wasn't broken, only twisted. She had a concussion when she woke up and panicked a little when she didn't see Gabriela in the room with her, but her mood instantly changed when Gabriela and Sebastian walked in with bags full of oreos and milk. The cut on her stomach was the worst. We had to change the dressing and clean the wound every day but it's slowly healing.

After half an hour of Gabriela and i talking, we both agreed to wake Amara up. Well at least try to.

Before we could get the chance to even say her name, the doors burst open and 'All i want for Christmas' by Mariah Carey was blasted on a speaker that Emberto was holding with a Santa Claus hat on his head and while Sebastian followed him with a feathered boa around his neck.

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