Chapter 37

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Amara's POV

I lied on my bed, staring up through my sky light. Stars were visible and dotted around the sky. Thoughts slowly came falling back to me. The thought of the 4 most important - well was important - boys in my life. All leaving me when i needed them. Did i miss them? Fuck yeah. Did i want to see them? Not particularly. Who knows what they would do.

I slowly picked up my phone and looked at the time, 3:35am, and i wasn't tired one bit.

I walked into my closet, changing into a pair of cycling shorts and a crop top to match it, did i bother to put a bra on? No. Did i put my dick-taser in my top though? Abso-fucking-lutely. I actually don't think i own a bra, i guess that's a plus for boys.

 I actually don't think i own a bra, i guess that's a plus for boys

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(⬆️ Amara's Outfit)

I then cleaned my face and then my teeth, tied my hair back and made my way downstairs and into the garden.

Opening the back door, making Apollo and Blaze instantly become alert.

Realizing that it was me, they both made their way out of their dog house and over to me.

'Y'all ready for a walk babies?'
I spoke causing both of them to sit on the floor and wag their tails.

Walking out of the house with the 2 dogs following behind, i quickly passed a few older guards without being noticed and then strolled over to the guards that were at the gates. Luckily they were all on the younger side.

'How many times do i need to fuck you guys to keep your mouthes shut?'
I questioned with my hands on my hips. All 6 of them stared at me, smirking and licking their lips.

'An easy 7, right boys?'
A dark skinned boy replied, appearing in front of me with a grin.

I hummed and leaned forwards, pecking him quickly and strutted past him.

'Starting tomorrow, your first'
I explained, turning my head and winking at the boy.

After a few minutes, i was walking around a pitch black park. The sun wasn't going to come up for a few hours yet being as it was only 4 o'clock.

'Stay here okay, bark if you need me'
I tried to explain to the dogs who stared at me as if i was crazy.

I turned on my heels and walked into the shop, grabbing a couple of cans of redbull, 8 large packets of oreos then headed straight to the counter.

'Can i get a bottle of that please'
I asked, pointing at the rum as i grabbed my fake ID.

The old woman said, not even looking at my ID.

I replied and walked out with the bag and towards the park again with the 2 dogs following closely behind.

'Can you eat oreos? I don't know if you can babies. Hasn't it got chocolate in? No i think it's icing actually. You guys can't have chocolate though because you will die then it will be my fault then i will be sad. You know that dobermans can run up to 32 miles per hour so that means if someone takes me or hurts me and they start running and are going 31 miles per hour, you can still attack them because your faster. It is also scientifically proven that you are the 5th most intelligent dog in the world. Golden retrievers are the 2nd most intelligent. They are so cute. But you guys are cuter don't worry. Do you guys want a brother? I would get you guys a sister but i cannot be dealing with her period and other boys trying to have sex with her'
I rambled as i but into a oreo then took a sip of my rum and redbull that i mixed while both of the dogs covered their faces with their paw.

'I'm drinking rum and redbull'
I sang out of no where, making the dogs whine.

'Heyyyy, i can sing'
I voiced as i shook my head in disbelief.

'If you know that song, respectfully run me over'
I spoke, taking a sip again as the dogs growled.

'Are we dying tonight?'
I asked, turning to look around at what the dogs were growling at but finding nothing but trees, bushes and a couple of street lights.

At that moment i heard a painful scream, immediately alerting me.

I downed my last can on rum and redbull and was left with 3 packets of oreos still in the bag. Doing the first thing that came to mind, i put my right hand through the both handles and moved the plastic bag up my shoulder so it ended up looking like i had a shoulder bag on.

I looked at Apollo and Blaze, threw up at peace sign, stuck my tongue out and moved my weight to my right leg.

'Check the fit'
I uttered and turned around while pulling out my taser then began walking towards the scream.

Peeking my head around the corner my eyes eventually adjusted to the darkness so i was able to see.

A blonde, maybe 27 years old, laying on the floor drenched in his own blood as 2 men stood above him holding knives.

The 2 men were fucking huge, around 6'5 dresses in black hoodies and black jeans. Even with hoodies on, you could see both of their muscles threatening to rip open their clothes. My eyes slowly trailed down to the only part on their bodies that was currently visible. Fuck me did they have nice hands. Both of them tanned, covered in tattoos and bloody. One with rings and one not. 25 years old is my guess.

Not wanting to be seen, i quickly made my way over to the other side of the road with both dogs running quietly behind and hid in the bushes.

The 2 men, slowly turned around.

My eyes moved, from their black trainers, to their black jeans, to their black hoodies, up their necks and to their faces.

Maybe change that guess to 17 years old.


Another chapter for y'all coz why not🙄

Who do we think the 2 boys are??😐

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