Chapter 70

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Amara's POV

Feeling a cold breeze cover my body and pressure on my chest, i attempted to roll over but failed, my eyes opened and adjusted to the light coming through the curtains.

'Che cazzo.'
—Italian—(What the fuck)
I mumbled, trying to reach towards my face and rub my eyes in an empty bed.

—Italian—(Fuck off)
I said, attempting to pull the blanket up so it covered my tiddies while the 2 men at the foot of my bed stared at me.

—Italian—(Fuck off)
I muttered again, trying to kick my legs.

They didn't say anything except stare at me, making me feel intimated by the familiar people. Feeling people either side of me i began pushing, unknowingly, waking them up in the process.

'Quítate de encima.'
—Spanish—(Get the fuck off me)
I voiced, however with me completely oblivious to what was happening and my attention fixated on the men before me who was now beginning to take the sheet off of me as they smirked at each over.

'Amara come on'
Roman spoke, while i felt him pull my face towards him but not succeeding causing me to tiredly groan.

'Romeo get up'

I heard him say with a slap following, still not seeing anything apart from my lower body and the 2 men in front of me.

'Que hermano'
—Spanish—(What bro?)
I heard Romeo complain, feeling pressure on my shoulder.

I groaned once again as the sheet that covered my body was now on the floor and Alek and Leon having a full view of my body making them grin widely.

Hearing muffled talking and slight movements to my body that i couldn't do myself such as moving my fingers or arm, Alek and Leon seemed as though they were getting closer and closer to me, panicking me instantly.

Just as Leon was about to touch me, my eyes opened once again, with the blanket covering all of my body and Romeo and Roman next to me looking concerned.

'Fanculo quella merda bruv, non ci sono.'
—Italian—(Fuck that shit bruv, i ain't into that)
I explained, making the both of them smile as i pulled the blanket higher.

'Stai bene amore?'
—Italian—(You okay love?)
Roman asked as i turned over and leaned back onto Romeo's chest who wrapped his arm around me and linked our fingers together under the blanket.
Did i feel something that i probably shouldn't? Yes.
Did i say anything about it? Absolutely not.

'No. Quella merda era spaventosa da morire.'
—Italian—(No. That shit was scary as fuck)
I replied, allowing him to face me and lay down in front of me while i used my other hand to play with the single hair the was separated from the rest of it.

Wrapping it round my finger a couple of times as Roman closed it eyes again, i yanked the piece of hair out of his head.

'What the fuck are you doing'
Roman stated, rubbing a certain section of his head.

'You need under your eyebrows waxed'
I said, closing my eyes making Romeo snort behind me.

'Don't know what your laughing at. Your in the process of getting a unibrow'
I explained, putting my leg on Roman's and resting my head on his arm.

'Excuse you'
He replied, sitting up a little as if he was offended.

'The truth hurts bitch'
I said, pushing his head back down and closing my eyes.


'mi amor'
—Spanish—(My love)
I heard someone say making me slap the person behind me.

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