Chapter 11

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Armando's POV

'Beep Beep Beep'

I groaned and rolled over to turn my alarm off.
3 days. 3 fucking days since my wife has slept in the same bed as me, since shes spoken to me. 3 days since i've spoke to my daughter, hugged her or even fucking seen her. Don't get me wrong she has every right to act the way she did that night, but not letting me see my daughter? Damn.

I tiredly get up from the bed and make my way to the bathroom. Sleeping was simply impossible. I was so used to cuddling with my girls at night.        I also didn't know where the fuck they were.

Every time i went to talk to Gabriela she just walked away and if i went to look for Amara, Gabriela would steal her away before i could even get near her, but at night they would just disappear. They stayed until all of the boys were asleep and then they left and came back before the boys woke up.

Coming out of the bathroom, after doing my morning routine, i walked into my closet to get out clothes for work.

Coming out of the bathroom, after doing my morning routine, i walked into my closet to get out clothes for work

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(⬆️His fit)

After i got ready, i went towards all of my sons' bedrooms to wake them up, then went downstairs, meeting Enrique, Emberto, Elio, Alfonso, Sebastian, Marino, Paulo, Jacob and my father on the way.

'Ti sta ancora parlando?'
——(She talking to you yet?)
Enrique asked as we reached the bottom of the staircase.

'No fratello, non ancora'
——(Nah bro, not yet)
I replied to him.

'Tornerà presto, non preoccuparti'
——(She will come around soon, don't worry about it)
He said, putting his arm around my shoulders.

'Sì, immagino, ma lei continua a non farmi vedere Amara'
——(Yeah i guess, but she still isn't letting me see Amara)
I explained to him, annoyed about that part of the situation.

'Accidenti, ci sta ancora lavorando?'
——(Damn, she still on that?)
Elio questioned.

'Sì, non l'ho più vista da quando è successor'
——(Yep, i haven't see her since it happened)
I replied.

'Ha tutto il diritto di farlo, voglio dire, abbiamo fatto quello che abbiamo fatto e l'abbiamo fottuto'
——(She has every right too though, i mean we did what we did and we fucked it)
Paulo said, making all of us agree with him. He was probably the most mature out of all of us.

'Sì, hai ragione. Voglio solo vedere mia figlia però, almeno non era sveglia quando sua madre mi ha puntato una pistola alla testa'
——(Yeah, your right. I just wanna see my daughter though, at least she wasn't awake when her mother had a gun up against my head)
I voiced, walking into the kitchen to see my wife leaning against the counter.

The boys looked at me and gestured me to go over to her as they walked away.

I slowly went towards her, unnoticed, and hugged her from behind.

'Amore, per favore, mi dispiace'
——(Love, please, i'm sorry)
I said, pulling her close but getting no reply.

'Sta bene? Lei è al sicuro vero? Per favore, fammi vedere, mi manca così tanto, cazzo, non ne hai idea.'
——(Is she okay? She's safe right? Please let me see her, i miss her so fucking much, you have no idea)
I muttered into her neck.

She sighed and pulled away.

'Sta bene, possiamo parlare stasera. C'è già da mangiare in sala da pranzo, non fare tardi al lavoro'
——(She's fine, we can talk tonight. There's food in the dining room already, don't be late for work)
She explained to me, drinking the last of her glass of water and walking out of the kitchen and me going towards the dining room.

Sitting down at the head of the table with my father to the left of me and my eldest son to the right, nobody said a word. Nobody wanted to say a word. We all hadn't seen our little princess in days, at least i knew she was safe. That was probably why it was so quiet, Amara wasn't here. I mean neither was any of the women but Amara always started the conversations.

'Where is she dad, is she okay?'
Domenico asked.

'She's fine son, she will be back later'
I replied, making him hesitantly nod his head.

After eating, all of the younger boys went with Sebastian and Emberto, the older boys made their way to school and me and the others got in the cars, heading towards the office. Fuck this shit.

As we walked into the building with my father and i at the front, all conversations stopped and everyone we walked by bowed their heads in respect.

We all settled into my office, sorting out paperwork that needed to be done. Of course all the boys has their own offices here but they were always in mine, it was easier at times but it got fucking annoying aswell.

Halfway through sorting out the papers, someone barged into the room making us all turn our heads in the direction of the door.

A girl. In clothes clearly too fucking small for her. Her face caked up in makeup. What the fuck was this shit.

'Che cazzo stai facendo?'
——(The fuck are you doing)
Alfonso shouted, emotionlessly.

'Ugh i don't know italian. I'm the new assistant for Mr Bianchi'
She said rolling her eyes and then smirking as if she had won something.

Go fuck yourself.

'Armando che cazzo'
——(Armando what the fuck)
Jacob whispered to me. Yeah what the fuck.

'Get the fuck out. We're busy'
Enrique voiced, also without any emotion in his voice.

'Sir, can i get you anything? Coffee? Something to eat maybe?'
She said, sounding like a dying whale as she strutted up to me after ignoring Enrique, much to his liking and nearly tripping up her enormous heels she was wearing and began stroking up and down my arm.

My fucking dogs are probably better looking than this desperate bitch.

'He a happily married man, get the fuck of him unless you want his wife torturing the shit out of you'
Elio shouted, knowing that Gabby would flip her fucking shit if she saw this current situation.

Well fucking said big bro.

I didn't say shit, i looked her up and down in disgust, pushed her off making her stumble slightly and carried on with my work.

'Shut the door on your way out'
I replied, pissed off.

'Absolutely sir'
She said and strutted out again.

'Perché è vestita così?'
——(Why's she dressed like that?)
Marino questioned, also annoyed.

'Chi cazzo lo sa.'
——(Who fucking knows)
Alfonso voiced, carrying on with his work.

'Abbiamo una riunione tra 30 minutia'
——(We have a meeting in 30 minutes)
Paulo explained.

I muttered sarcastically.

I need to see my fucking little girl.


This chapter is slightly shorter 😐

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