Chapter 64

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Domenico's POV

I stared at the picture that was on my desk in my office of my baby sister and i. Who would've guessed that she's been through what she's been through.

I gulped down the last bit of whisky and leant back, looking up at the ceiling.

It was 9:30am on the Monday after everyone had found out what had happened to Amara. Everyone had slept except Amara and i.

She was still in my father's office, searching for her sons to see if they were still alive. My parents, brothers, uncles, aunts and grandparents were working, my younger brothers and cousins were sleeping still.

All of the curtains were closed, making the room pretty much pitch black. The only light source was the light from my computer, which showed a camera outside Alek's house.

Closing my eyes after i hear my door open and close, it became quiet for a few seconds.

Feeling someone sit on my lap, i hugged them around the waist, already recognizing their scent.

'Stai bene principessa?'
—Italian—(You okay princess?)
I mumbled, feeling her nod against my neck as i combed my fingers through her curly hair.

'Li troveremo e li porteremo a casa. Lo prometto.'
—Italian—(We'll find them and bring them home. I promise)
I whispered in her ear as my sister pulled away to look at me.

'Torneranno entrambi a casa. Saranno al sicuro.'
—Italian—(They will both come home. They'll be safe)
I carried on, reassuring her as her red eyes became teary again.

'Possiamo dormire?'
—Italian—(Can we sleep?)
She asked me, making me nod and pick her up, walking towards my bedroom.

After changing and getting comfortable, Amara lord on my chest, pretty much asleep until her phone buzzed making her hum.

The next few minutes considered of Amara falling asleep and her phone ringing non-stop.

On the 14th ring, i grabbed her phone and answered it.

I muttered, closing my eyes and pulling the blanket up again.

'Who is this?'
Romeo asked, sounding pissed off.

'Amara's brother. What do you want?'

'Oh um, do you know where she is sir?'


'Why's she not in school?'

'I'll get her to call you later'
I stated and then put the phone down and put it on night mode then closing my eyes once again.


Opening my eyes, i rolled over and was faced with a empty bed.

Looking at the clock, which read 6:30pm, i sighed and got up, showering and cleaning my teeth.

I walked downstairs only to be met with a smell that i thought was gonna knock me off my feet.
Following it, i made my way towards the kitchen and peeked around the corner, only to see my baby sister cooking.

'A che ora ti sei alzato?'
—Italian—(What time did you get up?)
I asked her as i sat on the counter next to where she was.

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