Chapter 63

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Third Person POV

'Valentino was Roman's biological son and Vincenzo was Romeo's'

Armando didn't say anything to her, all he did was look at his daughter with his mouth open in shock.

'Have you told them?'
He asked making me shake my head.

'I don't know how they will react to it. They're gonna go crazy, of course, they killed their sons.'

'Princess, you need to tell them. When you see them next, you tell them. There maybe a chance that they're still alive, you never know. But hiding a child from his father isn't the way to go.'
The father said to his daughter, stroking her hand softly.

'Your not going to school this week. Why don't you call them and tell them to come over on Friday. They can come for dinner and you can tell them if you like'
Armando carried on, causing his daughter to sigh. God knows how she was gonna tell them that they had sons.

Amara 100% thought that her father would freak out at the thought of his princess having kids of her own, especially with two of the people he hates most... well used to hate most.

However, Armando had fear building up inside of him on how his sons, brothers and nephews were going to react to the news.

'I'm tired'
Amara whispered, yawning and putting my head on Armando's shoulder.

'Can you tell the others everything?'
She questioned, allowing her dad to nod.

'Of course princess'
He replied, standing up and pulling the blanket with him.

'Stay here okay. I'm gonna tell the others then i'll be back'
Armando voiced, putting the blanket back over his youngest child and kissing her forehead.


Nobody could describe how the Bianchi family felt. Their little princess. her parents, her uncles, her grandparents, her brother and cousins, all of them were ready to kill, no matter who it was or when it was, they were so fucking ready. Who ever did this or was involved were going to die at the hand of some of the most feared men in the entire world, and there was no stopping them.

'Dovresti controllare le sue cicatrici. Solo per assicurarsi che nessuno sia infetto e che siano tutti chiusi.'
—Italian—(You should check her scars. Just to make sure that none are infected and they are all closed up.)
Armando said to his wife who had tears down her face.

Not saying anything, she stood up and walked towards her bedroom. All she wanted to do right now was hug her babygirl.

She softly knocked on the door and opened it, looking at her daughter who was watching netflix.

'Ciao bambina.'
—Italian—(Hi babygirl)
Gabriela said, making Amara grin gently.

'Amore, devo controllare le tue cicatrici. Solo per assicurarsi che stiano tutti bene.'
—Italian—(Love, i need to check your scars. Just to make sure that they are all okay.)
She explained, causing her daughter to nod and walk towards the bathroom

'Cambierò velocemente.'
—Italian—(I'm gonna change quickly)
Amara stated, closing the door.

She undressed her self but left her underwear on and put a white towel around herself, today was one of them days where she didn't cover the scars. So if she had taken off her jumper, anyone would've seen.

The young girl walked back out of the bathroom and sat back down on the bed silently, with her back to her mother who opened her mouth in shock. Even though she had tattoos, long thick lines littered her back. Whips? Knives? Burns? Who knows what they were from. But all that mattered to Gabriela right now, was that he daughter was okay and comfortable.

Gabriela traced her finger over the scars, letting tears fall. She then did the exact same thing to her arms and to her legs, then looked at her stomach as Amara opened the towel.

'È questo?'
—Italian—(Is that?)
Gabriela asked making Amara stop her with a nod.

Underneath a tattoo of a rose on her lower abdomen, 'Alek' and 'Leon' was carved. The letters stuck out from her skin slightly and were thick white lines, however the tattoos helped covering it.

'Quanti anni avrebbero?'
—Italian—(How old would they be?)
The mother asked her daughter who smiled.

'Aurelia avrebbe avuto 4 anni e Valentino e Vincenzo 3'
—Italian—(Aurelia would've been 4 and Valentino and Vincenzo would've been 3)
She replied, as the tears on her face began to dry.

'Avere figli è una delle sensazioni del letto nel mondo. Niente è paragonabile all'amore di una madre per i suoi figli'
—Italian—(Having kids is one of the bed feelings in the world. Nothing compares to a mother's love for her children)
Gabriela started while looking at Amara.

'Ecco i motivi per cui odio i bambini. Stare con i bambini di altre persone mi ricorda i miei. Non mi fido di me stesso con loro.'
—Italian—(That's the reasons why i hate kids. Being around other peoples kids reminds me of mine. I don't trust myself with them.)
The daughter mumbled, falling to her mother's chest and letting a few tears fall.

'C'è la possibilità che i ragazzi siano vivi?'
—Italian—(Is there a possibility the boys could be alive?)
Gabriela asked making her daughter shake her head.

'Me li hanno portati via, poi sono tornati dopo un paio d'ore e mi hanno detto che erano de-'
—Italian—(They took them away from me, then they came back after a couple hours and told me that they were de-)
Amara stopped mid way through her sentence. She never actually saw their dead bodies. She never heard babies scream or sounds as if they were in pain... she didn't hear anything that night. And on the night that they did 'die', Amara had told Alek and Leon that the babies weren't theirs and were actually Romeo's and Roman's. Alek and Leon could've kept them for themselves. Maybe the reason that Amara hadn't been caught by Alek and Leon yet was because they were too busy with Valentino and Vincenzo.

Not thinking about anything but her babies, Amara jumped up, grabbing the towel with her and ran downstairs.

'Potrebbero essere vivi.'
—Italian—(They might be alive)
She screamed, catching everyone's attention in the living room and them following her into her father's office where she was sat, typing in the password.

Let the work begin.


This is kinda a short chapter🧍‍♀️ But how we feel about Aurelia, Valentino and Vincenzo? We want them alive or what?🦄

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