Chapter 65

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Amara's POV

I pushed off the wall while blowing the smoke out of my mouth as i saw a black car pull up a few meters from me.

All of his windows were tinted and the rims on the wheels were a darker black than the actually car.

The door opened and he stepped out in all his glory, smirking at me as the night sky reflected off of his black sun glasses. His black shirt and black dress pants complimented his body amazingly, some places more than others.

Shaking my head, i through the cigarette on the floor and stepped on it with my louboutins.

'If it isn't the one and only Amara Bianchi'
He yelled in his Russian accent, grinning even wider.

'The one and only baby'
I replied, laughing as i wrapped my arms around his neck and his around my waist.

'Damn your fine as fuck'
I mumbled, making him laugh.

'I could say the same about you'

'I could say the same about you'

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(⬆️ Amara's Dress)

'Why the fuck are you wearing sunglasses. It's night time'
I stated, rolling my eyes as he let go of me and held my waist.

'I could ask you the same thing'
He argued, taking his off while he gestured me to take my pink glittery ones off.

'How about fuck you. Let's go'
I voiced, turning him around and pushing him towards his car then getting in the passenger side.

'So, how is your life?'
I asked, as Chase Atlantic played in the background. Obviously.

'It's okay. Yours?'
Akim questioned, side eying me.

'Absolutely fabulous. How's your little boy?'
I spoke, looking in the mirror while applying a clear lipgloss.

'Vadim is good. He started school a few months ago and he hates it already'
He explained, laughing at the thought of his son making me smile.

'Vadim is cute. I think he's one of the only kids that i actually like.'
I voiced, thinking of the little brunette boy.

'He misses you a lot. You should come and see him'
Akim smiled, looking at me.

'Romeo and Roman are here'
I said quickly, getting it off my mind.

Suddenly my body flew forwards, nearly hitting my head in the window.

'Akim what the actual fuck is the matter with you. I swear to fucking fuck i will suffocate the fuck-'

'They're alive and you decide to tell me now'
He muttered, glaring at me.

'You never asked. Hoe'
I yelled, looking out of the window.

'Call them. Tell them to come with us'
He mumbled, allowing me to shake my head.

'We're going on a mission. Them two are fucking crazy. Probably Alek and Leon crazy.'
I explained quickly, not even wanting to think about going on a mission with them.

'Call them Amara'
Akim stated, staring into my eyes. Looking sexy as fuck may i add.

'Yes daddy'
I muttered, smirking at him as he kept a blank face.

'Your so lucky your 17'
He replied, shaking his head and beginning to drive as i got my phone out and clicked on Roman's contact.


'Be fucking quiet'
I whisper-shouted at the 3 behind me, who were all arguing about who had the biggest muscles. Akim was the answer but i didn't wanna boost his ego.

'Where's the target?'
Roman asked, looking in the window at all of the men in the room. An easy 150 however every single one of them had links to sex trafficking rings. One man specifically in this room was running a whole ring, therefore him being the target.

'Never are you wearing fucking heels'
Romeo voiced quietly, looking at my feet then back at me.

'And what about it? I can run in them bitch'
I argued, turning my attention back to the window.

'You guys should go in'
I said, nodding my head in the direction of the door that was the only way in and only way out.

'Be safe Mara. Don't die'
Akim murmured in my ear as he walked past and kissed my cheek.

'Can it not be on the lips?'
I complained, rolling my eyes as he walked away with Romeo and Roman who also told me to stay safe.

'Your 17, not 18'
He replied, flipping me off.

'It's only a 14 year gap between us'
I stated, looking back in the room.

I watched them closely as they all walked in and made a conversation with people inside, distracting them as i planted 4 bombs on every wall on the outside of the building.

Nodding my head at Akim who was in the corner behind a pillar with Roman and Romeo, they all began shooting at the people in there, instantly killing them with me doing the same after setting off the 1 minute timer.


'Did you seriously have to fucking do that'
They all screamed as we drove away from the now burning building.

'What? I have to do something spontaneous for the memories'
I yelled, applying lip gloss while looking in the mirror. Instead of putting a 1 minute timer on the bombs, i put a 30 second timer on, meaning that the 4 of us had to kill over 150 people in under 30 seconds. Obviously i did it on purpose but it's not like they need to know that.

'We made it out did we not?'
I screeched, turning around so i was facing Romeo and Roman who were sitting in the back with pissed off faces while i put on 'Blank Space' by Taylor Swift.

'Akim your so hot'
I said as i waved Romeo and Roman bye out of the window while they walked into their house.

'Amara stop'
He replied, shaking his head as he gripped the steering wheel tightly.

'We should fuck. It's not like we haven't before'
I stated, rolling my eyes making him lean his head back on his seat and look at me.

'We did not fuck Amara. We were both drugged and then we fucked. Technically it doesn't count'
He explained allowing me to sigh loudly.

'Technically it does because your dick was in my pussy. I know your dick has never felt that good because my pussy didn't. Boy do you know what your doing'

'I'm being deadly serious we need to go back to your house. I'm horny, your horny, it will work perfectly. Besides the legal age of consent in Russia is 16.'
I spoke, checking my nails.

'We're not in Russia though, are we?'
He argued making me drop everything and look at him with a pissed of expression.

'Well scientifically speaking, we met in Russia so it fucking counts'
I snapped, turning the wheel in the direction of his house.

'Fuck Amara. This is the last time anything is happening with us.'

Hearing this, i giggled and grabbed my phone, texting my mom.

'I'll be home in the morning' ~ Amara

'Be safe, i'm too young to have grandchildren. I love you' ~ Gabriela

Grandchildren huh.


Long day bruv👎

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