Chapter 22

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Gabriela's POV

'Sono perfetti, grazie.'
——(They're prefect, thank you)
I said, looking down at my nail artist as she finished my nails.

I looked up into the mirror that i was currently sitting in front of. A woman was doing my hair, 2 others were doing my makeup, another was getting my dress ready, another was checking what jewelry was going to match the dress and another was picking out some heels.

Camila, Natalia, Mia and Maria were all in the same position.

We were at home, in our 'getting ready room', in simply term the room is fucking huge. There were at least 25 women and 25 men in this room. Armando and the others were on the east side of the house while we were on the west side so we couldn't see them until we were actually ready to go to the ball.

Amara was watching us from a far. She was sitting on a sofa, staring at everyone that walked past her and until they were out of her sight. A unopened packet of oreos were laying on the table in front of her aswell as a glass of milk, also completely untouched. Which i thought was weird, she never said no to oreos and milk. Never.

A few people had tried playing with her or at least entertaining her, which we didn't mind because we pretty much new everyone here but she didn't move once.

She kept her eyes on all of us the whole time we were getting ready.

I explained, she moved her attention from Camila towards me.

'Vieni qui amore.'
——(Come here love)
I said, making her smile softly showing her two deep dimples and jumped off of the sofa after she had placed the ipad on her lap down.

I gestured for the people around me to leave as Amara began making her way towards me.

'What happened baby? Why are you not eating? Do you want me to make you something?'
I questioned her as i bent down towards her in front of me.

'No mama i'm okay, i just feel funny and weird'
She muttered, looking into my eyes.

'Why baby? Does it hurt anywhere?'
I asked panicked, causing Camila, Natalia, Mia and Maria to look over with a confused expression.

'No mama, it's okay. It kinda hurts here but i will just get water. I promise i'm okay'
She voiced, pointing to her lower chest, smiling and then walking away quickly towards a the mini fridge next to the sofa, grabbing a bottle of water and then sitting back down.

She sat back down, opened the bottle of water and drank a little bit and then smiled gently at me.

(You guys know them small bottles of water where you just like flick open the lid? Idk if you guys have it where you live but we have it in the UK. I KNOW A FUCKING 6 YEAR OLD WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO OPEN A NORMAL BOTTLE OF WATER)

'Signora Bianchi? Dobbiamo iniziare a finire tutto, è quasi ora.'
——(Mrs Bianchi? We need to get started on finishing everything, it's nearly time)
Imogen, the woman doing my hair, said, making me gesture for her and the others to carry on.

I looked at the clock of the wall, 5:26pm, we were meeting the men downstairs a few minutes before 7 o'clock and then leaving at 7, hopefully arriving at the ball around 7:30.

It actually starts at 7 o'clock. What? You've got to make an entrance at your own event. Especially when your introducing the Italian Mafia Princess to everyone.

I voiced, making her look up.

'Do you want your nails painted?'
I asked, making her smile and nod her head vigorously.

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