Chapter 9

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3rd Person POV

Amara shouted when she noticed Marco sitting down and ran to him.

'Hey princess'
Marco said, lifting Amara up and onto his lap while she clung to him.

'I missed you'
Amara mumbled into his neck, making Marco hug her tighter and the family smile.

'I missed you more, how was your day?'
Marco asked his little sister.

'It was good, i went to the park'
She explained as a little grin played on her face.

'What's that Mara?'
Marco asked as he gestured over to where Esteban and Xavier were laying in the fort now awake.

'It's a fort Marco, what does it look like'
Amara replied as she placed her hands on her hips and rolled her eyes.

Armando said to Amara.

She snapped, turning around with her hands still on her hips and a blank look on her face.

Armando raised his eyebrows.

'I'm sorry, yes daddy?'
She said after she got a small glare from basically the whole family.

'Stop with the attitude, your 6'
Armando said.

'I'm sorry daddy'
She explained, making him smile and his whole body soften.

'Pass her to me'
Hudson voiced loudly, wanting a hug from his favorite person in the world, as he likes to call her.

'No i want her, i haven't seen her all day'
Marco replied, pulling Amara closer to him on his lap.

'No i want her'
Armando said, walking towards the 2 of them  trying to get to his daughter.

'Nu uh, me'
Orlando and Calvino said at the same time, making them glare at each over.

'No she's coming to me'
Manu and Manuel voiced at the same time.

'No, me'
Liam explained.

'But she's my twinny'
Angelo also said.

'But we was with her first'
Xavier and Esteban muttered.

'Shes going with me, i'm her favorite'
Marino spoke.

'No i'm her favorite'
Emberto and Jacob said at the same time, making them glare at Marino then at each over.

'Oh this poor girl'
Mia murmured as she rested her head onto Gabriela's shoulder and closing her eyes, making all of the women laugh quietly.

'Move, she's mine'
That was enough for the whole family to quiet down after hearing their grandfather's/father's voice.

Domizio walked towards Marco and Amara and grabbed her out of his hold, much to his liking and held his granddaughter's hand while they walked towards the door.

'Nu uh'
Xander shouted as he walked towards the 2 of them and pulled Amara's hand away from Domizio's and into his own.

Domizio said as he glared at Xander.

'Raccogli tuo figlio'
——(Collect your son)

This made Xander run towards the door while holding onto Amara hand.

Before Xander could step out of the door, Domizio stuck his foot out in front of Xander making him stumble a little but not fall over, unfortunately in the process Xander had let go of Amara, allowing Domizio to pick her up and hold her tight.

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