Chapter 29

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Amara's POV

After a few minutes of driving, we pulled up to my building.

At the top of this building was my penthouse, obviously i couldn't say that it was mine becuase i would've been questioned and quite frankly, i don't fucking trust these people. This building wasn't actually the main section of Rose Fashion. The main section of my company was in New York. where my so-called family live. I fly over to New York every 3 or 4 months, checking up on things and making sure everything is running smoothly. Then sometimes i would visit other places such as Italy, Spain, Australia etc, checking on the sections of the company over there. While i was at the station, i had spoken to Silas and told him everything that was happening. I organized for him, Gabriel, Axel and my 2 dogs to be flown on my jet to New York and to stay in my penthouse there. Being as they have no parents or family that they talk to, they all have started to pack all of their stuff and make their way to the airport, getting ready to make a permanent move with me to NYC. Unfortunately, Amelia and Jade couldn't come, the reason being that Amelia's father is the leader of the British Mafia so he couldn't just make a full move to NYC and of course Jade wanted to stay with her so now it was just the 4 of us.

'Do you want one of us to come with you?'
My sperm donor asked, making me shake my head.

I replied, slamming the door on purpose and walking into the building, completely drenched and barefoot but of course still having my glitter glasses on my head.

As i was making my way up towards my penthouse i received weird looks but still, everyone greeted or bowed their heads at me.

Pushing open the door, i felt two heavy weights jump on top of me.

I dragged on, hugging the life out of Ammo and Ares who were licking my face non-stop and howling. It's the way we greet each over.

'Come on'
I called them as i skipped towards my bedroom and grabbed a 5 suitcases and a bag, then going to the bathroom to clean my teeth.

After packing tops, t-shirts, sweaters, hoodies, pajamas, trousers, jeans, skirts, dresses, socks, trainers, heels, underwear, jewelry, perfume things for Ammo and Ares and weapons in my 5 suitcases, obviously not taking everything that was in my wardrobes, i grabbed the bag and walked towards my office that was on the floor below my penthouse.

There was nobody allowed on these 2 floors, unless they had my permission. I opened my office door and sat down on my chair, going through paperwork as quick as i could and putting whatever i needed in the bag and then zipping it up, walking back downstairs to the car.

I jumped inside the car again, sitting where i was before and getting comfortable.

I shouted as i pushed my glasses back onto my face.

He replied.

I exclaimed while sitting up, getting ready to scream some lyrics.

I yelled, as i looked towards Armando and began singing to him.

Main character moment.

Finishing the first verse, i opened my bag up slightly and pulled out a small led light disco ball. Switching the switch at the bottom, multicolored lights lit up the whole car.

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