Chapter 75

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Amara's POV

I sighed with my eyes closed, breathing in the fresh air of the last few days of the April month.

Spring. This season is hit or miss, it's either freezing cold or too hot, especially April. It's the most confusing month without counting March.

20th April. Their birthday.

Really and truly i didn't want to be at home therefore i am Romeo's and Roman's.

Minus Romeo, he's working. Well not all day, he had 'a few things to do' in the office and then he's coming back. It was weird for him though, he never goes to work early, my guess is because it's his sons birthday and there's no way in hell they could see him.

So now, Roman and i are sleeping. Correction, i'm trying to sleep, Roman however isn't.

'Are you gonna stop staring at me?'
I asked, opening my eyes only to be met with his face inches from mine as he scanned it.


I rolled my eyes and closed them once again as i heard him sigh.

'Wake up'
He whined, wrapping his arms tighter around me and pulling me close.

'Ugh you needy prick'
I whispered, hugging his neck while he pinched my hip under the blanket.

After a few minutes of silence, i spoke up.

'Isn't it weird how in a few years time you and Romeo will be leaders of a mafia'

'To some people, yes. To us, no. We've grown up while being shaped into the 'perfect mafia leaders'
He explained, sounding tired.

'Hm, what's one of your dreams?'
I asked, after a couple of seconds.

'Being able to take my kids to anywhere they want'

'Hey, what about your wife'
I argued making him smile.

'Yeah, her too.'
He said, pecking me quickly.

'Where would your dream vacation be?'

'Maldives. Well, when i get married i want to have my honeymoon in the Maldives.'
Roman uttered, using his thumb to stroke my back.

'If you get married Rome, if you get married'
I replied, grinning at him which he returned.

'My future wife is lying right in front of me baby, factual information'
He laughed, as if he had been planning it for ages while positioned himself on top of me.

Come at me bitch.


It was late at night, when i say late i mean around 9:50pm.

Romeo still wasn't home and my family had been calling constantly saying they wanted me home, which i replied with 'i'll be there soon'.

The front door to Romeo's and Roman's house opened and loud footsteps were heard walking towards the kitchen, where Roman and i were sitting, while everyone had left the house for a few hours.

Romeo trudged into the kitchen flopping down onto the chair opposite where we was sitting.

'Te ves áspero'
—Spanish—(You look rough)
I said, examining the slight bruise on the left side of his face and on his knuckles.

'Sé exactamente dónde están.'
—Spanish—(I know exactly where they are)
He replied, interesting Roman and i, gesturing for his to carry on.

'Uno de los sitios de tráfico en los que estaba Amara. Los mantienen allí.'
—Spanish—(One of the trafficking sites Amara was on. They keep them there.)
He explained as he lit a cigarette.

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