Chapter 69

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Romeo's POV

'No. Assolutamente no.'
—Italian—(No. No fucking way)
I explained, staring at the people in front of me while sitting in the Amara's family's living room next to Roman who also shook his head.

'Sì Romeo. Sei.'
—Italian—(Yes Romeo. You are)
Gabriela replied, smacking the back of mine and Roman's head.

'Non indosso un travestimento.'
—Italian—(I'm not wearing a disguise)
Roman spoke, staring at the women that was next to Natalia.

Roman and i had just been called to Amara's house, Gabriela, Camila, Maria, Mia, Natalia, Sebastian and Rose stood in front of some of Amara's siblings and cousins and Axel, Silas and Gabriel.

They wanted all of us to wear disguises and go into the club where we thought Amara was. See if it was up to me, either one of two of us would go in there and find her, get her out of there while the other one distracts the people that are there and then blow the place as soon as we leave.

'Siete tutti travestiti, non accetto un no come risposta.'
—Italian—(Your all wearing a disguise, i'm not taking no for an answer.)
Amara's grandmother explained, silencing everyone in the room. She is probably one of the most scariest women i've ever met. She's definitely in the top 5.

'sì signora'
—Italian—(Yes ma'am)
We all muttered as Enrique, Elio and Alfonso walked into the room.

'Ci sono 6 di voi che vanno. 1 di voi starà in macchina e sarà pronto per lasciare quel posto non appena Amara sarà in macchina. Gli altri 5 di voi andranno nel club, 3 di voi si distrarranno e 2 di voi recupereranno. Avete tutti gli orologi con cui comunicare.'
—Italian—(There's 6 of you going. 1 of you will stay in the car and be ready for leaving that place as soon as Amara is in the car. The other 5 of you will be going into the club, 3 of you will distract and 2 of you will retrieve. You all have the watches to communicate with.)
Elio voiced, while look at us.

'Romeo e Roman, ti stai riprendendo. Se qualche pericolo si presenta ad Amara mentre è con te, ti ucciderò io stesso. Xander, Ethan e Christian, vi distrarrete. Non uccidere nessuno, o rovinerai tutto. Questo posto non è pericoloso a meno che non vengano attaccati. Allenati a prendere Amara, porta lei e te stesso in un posto sicuro e poi fallo saltare in aria. Abbiamo già hackerato le telecamere a circuito chiuso, quindi ci saranno persone qui che ti guideranno dove andare.'
—Italian—(Romeo and Roman, you will be retrieving. If any danger comes to Amara while she's with you, i will kill you myself. Xander, Ethan and Christian, you will distract. Do not kill anyone, or you will fuck everything up. This place is not dangerous unless they are attacked. Work out getting Amara, get her and yourself to a safe place then blow it. We've already hacked into the CCTV so there will be people here guiding you where to go.)
Alfonso finished and looked at us as if to ask if we had any questions, making us shake our heads.

'Saranno persone della mafia dentro e intorno al club nel caso qualcosa andasse storto.'
—Italian—(They'll be people from the mafia in and around the club in case anything goes wrong.)
Elio finished and began walking out of the room behind Enrique with Alfonso following

'Ragazzi, preparatevi. Te ne vai tra un'ora.'
—Italian—(You guys get ready. You leave in an hour)
He stated, closing the living room door.


'Dietro questo angolo a sinistra.'
—Italian—(Round this corner on the left)
I heard Esteban say as Roman held his gun up and shot both of them once they had turned the corner.

'Segui il corridoio e dovrebbe esserci una porta in fondo.'
—Italian—(Follow the hallway and there should be a door on the end.)
He carried on, guiding us through the hidden part of the club. Perks of having a brother that's the best hacker in the mafia, probably even in the world.

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